chapter 4

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Chapter 4.

Seoul Arts and Culture Center.

- Now I know the details of your previous love - SuA said while sitting with Handong in a coffee shop near the center.

- So last night's date was with Siyeon? - Handong raised her eyebrows and asked.

- Yes.

- As expected, what's up, Siyeon must have talked bad about me a lot? – Handong laughed, she had doubted about these two since yesterday, it turned out that Siyeon was acting, Siyeon approached SuA faster than she thought.

- She just said that you control her too much, don't listen and decide everything on your own, she dates other people to have an excuse to break up with you.

- Siyeon is a very carefree person, she never plans anything and that makes me unhappy. Sometimes I feel like she's so childish and I'm like a nanny, I'm so tired but I always try to maintain the relationship.

- …………………….

- Siyeon wanted to break up with me but chose that bad way. When I knew I was betrayed, I was extremely angry, when I found out the reason Siyeon betrayed, I was even more angry.

- But you two were obviously happy together and even decided to adopt a child.

- Since adopting Chenle, all problems have occurred. I always secretly thank Chenle because his appearance made me realize that Siyeon and I don't belong together, she is a toxic person. When I was dating Vivi I had a stronger feeling than I have ever had with anyone.

- But Vivi doesn't match Chenle right?

- The boy needs time to adapt, Vivi is a very wonderful girl.

- ………….

- I know Siyeon is approaching to flirt with you, but she's not right person for you - Handong warned.

SuA turned to look at Handong, lost in thought.

- Because I understand Siyeon, and I sympathize with your current situation. You have suffered big  emotional trauma and you deserve more.

- I don't have any intentions with Siyeon either - said SuA firmly, her gaze was steady, but she felt a bit confused inside.


Dejavu restaurant

Siyeon sat down to dinner with Wendy and two friends in the company, Wendy just finished a show.

- Where do you often go these days, sometimes you assign work to others? – Wendy asked Siyeon while eating.

- Go to meet the PR manager at Seoul Arts and Culture Center - Siyeon calmly replied.

- Meet for what? Is that center going to hold a concert?

- No, I like her so I want to meet her.

Wendy laughed for a reason that was crazier than she thought.

- Dating is good, when there is love, you will complain less about me.

- When did I complain about you? - Siyeon argued.

- The times when I behaved a bit too much in front of the camera, or the times when I blurted out curses - Wendy laughed.

- Is it wrong for me to complain? - Siyeon glanced at the person next to her and then moved her eyes around.

She has been working in SM Entertainment for several years now and has worked with many celebs. Siyeon has a duty to maintain the image of the celebs she manages, so she started to have a nagging personality as much as an Asian mother-in-law.

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