chapter 16

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Chapter 16.

Nodot restaurant, Siyeon and Handong and Chenle eat lunch together.

- Dong, I'm going to America for a few months - Siyeon announced, surprising the other two.

Handong doesn't know anything about the problem between SuA and Siyeon, she thinks their lives are still happy. The boy Chenle sometimes comes to Siyeon's house to play but he can't see the beautiful girl anymore, sometimes he asks Siyeon, but Siyeon simply replies that SuA is busy.

- Why? Is something wrong?

- SuA is 5 months pregnant, she insists on giving birth to a baby in America, so I have to follow, a baby girl.

The other two showed shocked faces.

- So I’m going to have a sister, right? - Chenle asked excitedly, legs swinging under the chair.

- That's right, your sister's name is Gahyeon, Lee-Kim Gahyeon - Siyeon smiled and patted Chenle's head.

- It's only been 10 months since you two met, what am I hearing? - Handong panicked, fingers touching her temples.

- Lately, I've been busy so I haven't had time to tell you, a lot of bad things have happened - Siyeon rubs her forehead, which has many wrinkles because of the stress in life.

It's only been a few months since she had to go through intense mental events, Kim SuA entered her life and made her dizzy, both of their lives changed color spectacularly after meeting each other.

Siyeon honestly told Handong everything. From SuA's father going to jail and she wanted to have her own space for over a month, then Wonyoung's appearance, then the two of them going to the hospital for a fetal transplant and succeeding the first time without Siyeon didn't know, then SuA disappeared from Siyeon and ran to the US to live, and finally, the character of the third wheel Kang Seulgi.

Handong laughed sarcastically after hearing the story.

- You're still so toxic Lee Siyeon.

- There's Chenle here, what the hell are you talking about? - Siyeon narrowed her eyes in frustration.

- In the past, you also slept with another girl and then deliberately let me know to have an excuse to break up, right? - Handong raised her eyebrows.

- That story and this story are completely different, don't make silly comparisons here.

- I warned Kim SuA about you, I told her that you are not suitable for her. SuA didn't have any intentions with you at first either, but then I realized that this relationship seems to be fine, who would have thought…. Not surprising at all.

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