chapter 15

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Chapter 15.

Texas, Dallas city.

SuA and Seulgi have dinner together at home. This house is occupied by SuA, but Seulgi comes here quite often, after about a week, she appears here, eats dinner with SuA, sleeps for one night, and then leaves.

Because of the gratitude to Seulgi, SuA didn't feel bothered at all, in a strange place like this it would be nice to have someone by her side to chat.

SuA inquired about Seulgi and found out that Seulgi is an actress, she also watches dramas a lot, but she didn't know Seulgi's existence, it turned out that Seulgi specializes in movies. An actor who always accepts movie projects is considered an A-class professional actor, those who start acting often have to start with more drama roles.

Seulgi has also appeared in Hollywood movies a couple of times with supporting roles. She is such a beautiful and talented person.

Seulgi initially said that she doesn't go to America much anymore so she wanted to sell her house, but lately she's been visiting SuA once a week, flying from Korea to America and then from America to Korea  like go to market.

SuA feels overwhelmed by Seulgi's help, she feels shy at times, but Seulgi always says she can't be.

Maybe Seulgi really wants to have children and start a family, when she fails, she appreciates people with successful children like SuA so she really wants to help SuA.

Seulgi said one reason why she's hanging around with SuA is because SuA is currently a single pregnant mother, and she feels a responsibility to help SuA.

SuA's plan is to want to do everything by herself, she has equipped herself with an iron spirit to handle all problems that arise in life. But when Seulgi appeared, she felt she didn't have to, she needed to open up more.

Otherwise, Gahyeon will later be born stubborn and negative like her.

SuA had an ultrasound last month, and the doctor announced it was a baby girl.

She thought about naming the baby and chose the name Gahyeon, Kim Gahyeon. This name means to always focus on the present and move forward.

During her pregnancy, she did not encounter anything too difficult, luckily SuA is a person who has been interested in health since she was young, so she has a pretty good immune system. Sometimes she has insomnia and is a bit tired but not too heavy, she tries to eat in moderation and it stops.

During their meetings with Seulgi over the past two months, the two met and talked about topics around life, eating, watching movies, and going to sleep. This house has two bedrooms, so Seulgi always sleeps here, then the next day she goes back to Korea to continue working.

Seulgi cooks really well so almost every time they meet she will come with a few bags of groceries and then she goes to the kitchen to cook. Since SuA is not someone who likes to tell personal stories, Seulgi only knows a few simple things about her. That is, she is the CEO of DCC corporation based in Korea, currently working remotely, she is pregnant with a baby girl, her partner is a girl, there is a problem between the two not see each other, that's all.

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