chapter 21

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Chapter 21.

Next morning.

SuA doesn't have a work schedule today and Siyeon hasn't had to go back to work yet. When SuA woke up, she found Siyeon still sleeping.

She didn't hear any sound coming from Gahyeon's room next door, meaning the baby was still fast asleep. Since she went to work yesterday until now, she has not seen Gahyeon, she misses her daughter to dead.

Currently, Lee Siyeon's arms are really warm and give her comfort hormones.

But it is morning outside, which means the time when human reason is at its highest. SuA is fully awake and she needs to rethink her relationship with Siyeon, what she really needs and what she should do.

SuA sighed, slowly released from Siyeon's arms and sat up. She turned around, sat idly on the bed brooding, turned her back to Siyeon, her eyes absentmindedly looking out the window at the clouds and sky.

Then a hand touched her bare back, SuA turned her head to look, Siyeon woke up.

- Baby, why are you up so early, you don't have to go to work today - Siyeon started with a sweet tone that can melt anything, she stroked SuA's back from bottom to top again.

- I have something to tell you - SuA said in a low voice, her black eyes were still looking up at the sky through the window.

- What is going on? – Siyeon felt that something bad was about to happen, she leaned up against the bed and listened attentively to SuA, her hand still resting somewhere on SuA’s bare back.

- I think we need to redefine this relationship, what we can do together and the limits.

- I know what you told everyone around you about me - Siyeon said helplessly, what she was worried about was about to come true, her heart pounding with fear.

- It's true that I need you in raising and taking care of Gahyeon, I can't do it alone. But our relationship should stop at this level.

- So between us is only responsible for taking care of Gahyeon, not love?

- ……………………..

Siyeon blinked to hold back the tears, it's only early in the morning, but bad things have already happened, last night the two of them were very peaceful next to each other. She didn't have any strength left, the hand that was on SuA's back fell to the bed sheet.

SuA was still steadfastly looking at a certain point in the sky, she didn't have the courage to look back to see Siyeon's reaction.

- If it's not love between us, why are you always sleeping peacefully with me? why are you always satisfied when we make love? - Siyeon's voice was hoarse.

- Lust or pleasure or orgasm is just something temporary and has nothing to do with love - SuA's tone has no emotion.

- What? You make love to me and have no feelings of love? - Siyeon is frustrated.

- You have also slept with someone without love.

Siyeon is speechless, what she did in the past is a stain that SuA always uses to push her away. It's been almost 10 months since that night, but SuA still hasn't forgiven her.

SuA got out of bed, put on a thin robe and walked out of the room. She went to Gahyeon's bedroom, at that moment Gahyeon opened the eyes and woke up.

- Good morning Gahyeonie - SuA kissed Gahyeon on the cheek and picked up the baby.

Every time she sees Gahyeon, she feels peace and safe, this is the only person who gives her this feeling. She pulled out her shirt to feed Gahyeon.

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