chapter 10

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Chapter 10.

Piri Hospital, maternity department.

SuA and Siyeon go to the hospital to begin their journey to have a baby together. The one who suggested this was Siyeon and SuA couldn't say no.

SuA learned that in the previous love, Siyeon and Handong had been dating for a year and then Handong was the one who suggested raising a child with Siyeon, Siyeon agreed and the two of them adopted Chenle.

SuA knows Siyeon is a carefree person, she has no long-term plans, following the natural flow of life. But she said that she plans to have a family with SuA, she wants to have a child with SuA, not an adoption, but a child of two properly.

SuA was shocked after hearing that, she never thought of that scenario. She and Siyeon have only started dating for a few months, although her feelings for Siyeon are very strong, she has not yet dared to say anything.

Siyeon was the one who first made SuA decide to sell her house to live with Siyeon. When she fell in love with JiU, she often stayed at JiU's house but she didn't go to the point of selling her house. Siyeon was also the first to mention children to her, when she fell in love with JiU, SuA never thought of this.

Her relationship with JiU lasted a long time and it ended badly, so there is no basis for sure that Siyeon is her last….

Not available.

But then she hid her vague thoughts inside and didn't show it to Siyeon. She nodded slightly at Siyeon’s  suggestion.

After her nod, just a few days passed, Siyeon informed her that Siyeon had found a sperm donor, that guy's name was Seonghwa. Siyeon and Seonghwa used to be college friends, they are often thought of as sibling by everyone around them because their faces are a bit similar, even though they have nothing to do with each other. Seonghwa is three years younger than Siyeon.

SuA was startled by Siyeon's rocket speed, she seemed in a hurry in this. When the two went to the hospital together, the doctor consulted on artificial insemination method, implanted the fetus with half of SuA's egg and half of Siyeon's egg, and Seonghwa's sperm.

Before taking SuA to the hospital, Siyeon and Seonghwa came here to conduct sperm storage. The doctor said that this method has a success rate of about 30%, must be implanted a few times to be successful, today is the day of the first fetal implantation. Seonghwa and Siyeon together wrote a commitment that if SuA was pregnant and gave birth, they would not be allowed to reveal Seonghwa to the baby.

Kim SuA holds the position of CEO of the company, busy with hundreds of thousands of jobs, but she agrees to accept the responsibility of pregnancy and childbirth. She thinks that it is a sacred job that she needs to take on, after all, there are many talented people beside her who can help in her work, such as Kei.

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