chapter 8

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Chapter 8.

“Ting Ting”


“Ting Ting”

The bell rang incessantly, SuA lazily got up from the bed, went downstairs to open the door.

It's been two weeks since she avoided Siyeon, because she wanted to be alone to deal with her own negative emotions.

Chairman Kim did not have enough alibi and was found to be an accomplice in the case of using narcotics to make drugs and sell them on the market. He was fined a huge amount of money and sentenced to 5 years in prison.

SuA still clearly remembers the words of lawyer Park Chanyeol, he said that Chairman Kim was like this because of her. If she fully answered the script correctly during the trial, the president's escape plan would be successful.

SuA found it hard to breathe when she remembered those malicious words. Her father is toxic, he is passionate about making money and doesn't take good care of her, even he is always trying to control her, now he is still doing illegal business and it's her fault that he goes to prison?

She couldn't accept this fact.

For the past two weeks she had lived like a ghost, lifeless and emotionless. She went to work from morning to afternoon and then immersed herself in a dark corner of the house, letting time pass meaninglessly.

She didn't answer Siyeon's phone, she read Siyeon’s text and then she left it and didn't reply. She simply said that she wanted to be alone for the time being.

And this late-night doorbell she could easily guess who it was.

- Singnie, hello - SuA opened the door half ajar and politely greeted. She stood in front of the door.

- You don't intend to let me in the house? – Siyeon calmly talks, but her gaze is not as soft as before.

- What's up?

- You said you would sell your house and move in with me.

- I'll do it later, now I need to be alone.

- Baby, I know you are suffering from family problems, but do you think this is an effective solution?

- You go home, it's late at night - SuA chased well.

- You're hurt and you're trying to hurt me, right? - Siyeon said coldly.

- ………….

- Toxic, you said that I was the only one you had and now you're rejecting me?

- Singnie, I'm very tired, we'll talk later - SuA sighed.

- Kim SuA, you should know that I have my own dignity, I won't let anyone make a fool of me - Siyeon said and turned away, without a goodbye.

SuA watched Siyeon's figure out of sight with the car, she felt heavy in her heart, its weight got heavier over time, she had no way to neutralize this negative emotion.

The fact that President Kim went to prison was reported by the media, she also met Siyeon and told everything and made a decision, which is to give her some time alone.

She did not understand her own complicated inner world. She found it very difficult to face the staff in DCC and when facing Siyeon, it was even harder.

Maybe inside her was a humiliation, a shame. She is afraid of being judged for the crime her father has committed, she is afraid that Siyeon will feel disappointed by this.

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