Phase 2 - Smack 'em

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Zigz and Kiki waited downstairs. Suddenly they heard shots and calls: "Phase two has started! Whitefur is trying with wayward storming!". Grinning Zigz took his gun: "I can do that too". Kiki grabbed his arm: "Please don't...". He looked at her skeptically: "Something isn't right with you". All of a sudden a bullet shot through the door right above their heads. Zigz shot back, rammed the door open and meant: "We have to push them to Ilus and Shark! Aggressive proceeding is needed now!". Back in the community room Ilus patiently aimed at the door. Shark stared into the goat's eyes seriously. Ilus gained his attention: "I need you as soon as somebody comes in here". Placatorily Shark said: "I'm preparing a soldier". Right after, he opened the door a bit and sent the goat out. Startled Ilus looked at him: "You just exposed a small animal to pure violence". He shook his head: "I've trained him well".

Beside the shooting guns Henry still had the kicks from Dexter in mind. When someone was too close to him, Henry could easily defend himself. With Arrow back to back both didn't get hurt. It only confused Henry when Vincent van Goat ran past their feet and looked at him with a grenade in his mouth. Henry pulled the ring, but he had to drop it as someone came too close again. The goat pushed the grenade away with it's head and hit eight members of the Polar Foxes. Arrow laughed: "The street life is getting more and more wicked!".

In one of the corridors Zigz was violently pushed against a wall and a knife threatend his throat. Bambi growled at him: "Where is Yasuo?!". Just barely he could answer: "He's running late". Kiki came around the corner and shoved her away. Quickly Bambi drew a gun and aimed at both of them, so they held themselves back. She muttered and got up again: "I don't want you...!". While she went ahead, Kiki almost shot her. Zigz held her hand and stopped her: "That's Koi's matter". As called, the roaring engine of Lucky's car was heard. Outside he barely drifted very closely between trees and branches. Koi exhaled relieved: "This car has no paintwork...". Lucky unbuckled his seatbelt and grabbed his gun: "Seems like we're fighting in noble suits today". Koi followed his action and both got out. Before they ran in, Lucky grabbed his arm: "Watch out and good luck". "You kidding? I've just survived that ride with you! I can't have any more luck!", he grumbled.

Right at the entrance they had to dodge several grenades, shots and a homicidal goat. Lucky's worst nightmares became reality: "Who gave the goat a knife...?". Bambi ordered her group: "Yasuo is mine!". The adressed one looked up to the second floor and grinned quietly: "Thank you already for your support, Joel". "Let's stick with Lucky", he mumbled and they went right for her. The former lovers fell right into head on battle. Mostly they blocked each others attacks and didn't get to hurt one another. Lucky gave backing as promised. So he did of Whitefur. The enemy was only out to kill everything that belonged to Ilus. Whitefur's gun shot faster and Lucky therefore got shot multiple times. Bambi pushed Koi to the floor and called to Whitefur: "Leave them alone, they're my playground!". "Don't disappoint me!", Whitefur growled at her. Rapidly Koi got up again, talking to Whitefur: "Ilus would like to see you!" and he shoved Bambi into a side room where he locked the door.

Ilus was still sitting in his spot, but he started to become uneasy: "I'm constantly hearing how our people are getting hit...". Especially when it was called out that Lucky was out of action. Heavily breathing Ilus mumbled: "Don't do anything stupid, Koi...". In the dark boxroom both dropped their weapons. Bambi snuggled up on him: "Whitefur won't win, we both know that... And I'm obviously going to die too, I've made you too angry... I'm sorry... You look so good in that suit... Will you give me beautiful five last minutes before you kill me...?". Koi grinned. Bambi thought he did so out of naivety. But in reality, Koi grinned because everything went just as he thought.

Though Whitefur's followers went down quickly, so Ilus' group also narrowed down. The first group, which was supposed to push Whitefur back to Ilus, was barely still standing. In fact, Zigz and Kiki were the only ones. But even that changed when Kiki collected her courage: "Jeremy, we have a huge problem...". Zigz panted as he reloaded his weapons and aimed again: "I know. If this keeps on like this, then Ilus won't get Whitefur alone. And if the plan won't work, so Ilus get's mad, we're very much screwed". He was about to continue running, but Kiki confessed: "I'm pregnant..." and Zigz went unconscious.

Henry heard: "Zigz is out! The first task force is down!". Before Ilus now stormed out and died, Henry answered loudly: "Alternative plan! Everybody puts themself into the role of the first group and everything else is just a side quest!". Whitefur's laugh echoed through the halls: "Oh no! Are you going down? I'm telling you! I'm right! Who has more men is more likely to win than someone who keeps emotionally weak beings!". Arrow talked under his breath: "What's up with that guy?". "Be careful with your wounds", Henry mentioned. He laughed: "These few scratches? You want that rock to go to Ilus? Here, very easy". He aimed and shot in a way that Whitefur got distracted and stumbled towards the community room. To cover he hid in that room. Victorious Henry called: "Main goal achieved! Let's fuck up the rest of 'em!".

In the community room Ilus and Whitefur now were standing right opposite of each other, seemingly all alone. Whitefur didn't notice how Shark was hiding in the shadow behind him, so he grinned: "Would you look at that. The Chef, all alone. Hiding from the danger. Are you scared? Do you need a blanket and warm milk, before I put you to sleep?". Ilus remained confident: "Maybe you'll tell me the story of how you went down in the fight with your decade-rival". "Didn't I smash your self-confidence into the ground? Why are you grinning so stupidly? You can't do anything, you're hiding. Your people are falling one by one. Who knows whom of your best friends are dead already?", he kept provoking. "You might've seen me at my weakest point. But I'm telling you one thing - Whoever pushes me all the way down, will one day see me on the top again", were the last words. Thereupon Whitefur was ruthlessly pinned to the ground. So he couldn't defend himself, Shark hit him unconscious at once and tied him up.

Now Ilus could run outside and clean up with full power. There were only rubble, dead Polar Foxes and wounded men of Ilus' left. He called out the final victory and they were able to drive back all worn-out.

Just as exhausted were Koi and Bambi in the dark boxroom. All the way until the end he acted. He put his hand on her cheek and played pretend: "You're too pretty to be shot...". "Then don't do it...", she thought she had him. Quietly and indescernibly she grabbed a small knife. They kissed again and Koi stroked her hair to the side. Even more imperceptibly he also pulled out a knife from his sleeve. Before she could kill him deceitfully, Koi stabbed her in the neck faster, grabbed her wrist with the knife and laughed softly: "The stab is harder to see underneath your long hair... That's better...". She couldn't speak anymore. Only blood flooded out of her mouth, running down Koi's chin.

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