Chapter fifteen

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Scarlett's POV

During the car ride I kept glancing back to nova and she looked more pale and well
I could see she was scared. She wasn't hiding it well and to be fair I'm terrified too. I know she's mine but the fact that I could be wrong is scaring me more because she means the world to me. She's what was missing in my life and I can't lose her. Those people don't deserve her and I don't care what that dna says she's my child. I'll fight for her because she's my missing piece.

Chris parked up and I looked back but nova wasn't even blinking she was frozen. So I looked at the others " go on I'm gonna get her out" and they nodded getting out and even then she didn't blink or even move. She was just staring into whatever she was thinking about. So I got out and opened her door to help her out, I won't lie getting to baby her no matter how old she is makes me feel happy. I like doing things for her and knowing that I'm causing her smile. Her smile can light up a room and it lights up my life. I wanted her close I know it's supposed to be me comforting her but I'm being selfish I don't want them to take my baby from me. Shes mine I don't care about dna. That's just going to let her stay with me.

We got inside and I saw the desk so I went there " hi I'm miss johansson I was asked to come in with my- nova" I said looking down at her and she frowned slightly and I mentally slapped myself why didn't I just say daughter. What the hell is wrong with me. She wasn't looking at me now and had put abit of distance between us but I was still holding her hand. I wasn't gonna let it go but I felt her grip Loosen.
" yes just go through to that room there. You're friends will have to wait out here though" and I nodded I knew they couldn't go in but it's worth the try.i took novas hand with more grip so she couldn't let go and she looked at me. I couldn't tell what she was thinking but it didn't even look good. God let this be good news.

I walked into the room practically dragging nova with me. " ahhh hello again" the officer said smiling that's a good sign think. I smiled at him and nova did too. " take a seat both of you" he said and we both did and nova sat next to me but I didn't let her go .

Novas POV

We got inside and Lizzie and Chris had stood behind us now. Scarlett was talking and I heard her say my nova. She was going to say daughter but she didn't. She didn't wanna call me her daughter. Why am I surprised she knows deep down I'm not. Jesus why did I think I could be ofcourse I'm not it's just a coincidence. It's always just that for me. I never get to have my mum. I can't have a family. I mean she wouldn't want me anyway I'm me. And then she was taking me to a room and Chris and Lizzie weren't moving so I assumed we were gonna find out now. Scarlett was holding on to me tighter and it's comforting in a way. Even though I don't want her pity.

" so we had  the test done fast because I know miss johansson you don't live here. And so I have the results of the test if you'd like to hear" and I saw Scarlett nod and I held my breath here it comes. " well I'm happy to say that nova is in fact you're daughter. You matched her 99%" and I let my jaw drop. No fucking way. No wayyyy. " y-you're sure?" And he nodded at me smiling wide at us. I felt Scarlett pull my hand and then Her arms around me " I told you so peach" she whispered and I nodded. Great she hit the mentally damaged child jackpot.
Jesus she's gonna wanna send me back. " we did the investigation and well those people you were raised by Well they were the ones who took you" and I nodded this was not sinking in " I have tried to get one of the charges against them as what you reported when you were younger but because you don't wanna talk about it in court I can't give that charge" and I nodded thats fucking fine by me. They'll go down for kidnapping and not abuse. " but they won't be getting out. I had it put down everything that was reported so that they get bad sentences" and that's when Scarlett spoke " why did they take my baby?" I looked up I kinda wanted to know too actually. " well from what we know miss Harris was the nurse working and was the one who took nova they both refuse to talk so that's as far as we know. But it didn't look like they were hired." And she nodded she just looked relieved. " what about evil Spawn" I asked she's just a kid no Matter how much of a bitch she was he looked confused for a moment so I elaborated " their kid" and he nodded opening the file"She's in her dads parents care. They are fit to take care of her" and I nodded I felt bad that had happened to her. " is she okay?" And he nodded " she's adjusting actually. I went to see her today and she looked happy with them" and I nodded that's something. At least that's something I can hold on too. " so I need Scarlett to Sign these so we can give you full custody" and I stopped " just like that?" And he nodded " yes just like that nova. I think you two have been kept apart long enough" and I nodded Scarlett had to let go of my hand to sign and I felt a little hurt. I wanted her to hold my hand again. But when  she stopped, she pulled me into her and I was in her arms " Scarlett- crushing me" I gasped and she just held
Me tighter " my baby" she mumbled and I groaned she's gonna break me before I leave this room "Scarlett" I gasped and she let me go finally. I started to regain my breathing and she smiled sheepishly at me " sorry" and I nodded " what about her things?" After a few moments Scarlett asked and I nodded how did I forget I needed my stuff. " yes nova I believe you have a key copy right" and. I nodded I don't but I know where the spare is" the house is empty so you two can go by and get her stuff" and I nodded " The House is gonna be cleared out tomorrow so I'd suggest going today" and Scarlett took my hand again " That's fine we'll get her  things. Thank you for everything"
She said, she smiled " I'm happy you both have each other. I know it's a long road but at least you have each other" and I nodded at him he was right and wrong. I did have her but I was also alone.


Is posting two chapters the new normal?

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Get a good sleep
Eat a full meal

Till the next chapter my loves❣️

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