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Edward's Pov

I blinked my eyes open when i heard my phone's ringing. I pushed the omega, laying naked beside me. I fished out my phone from my jeans pocket. Looking at her, i can feel my arousal again. May be i should go for another round.

I swiped the call. "Hellooo?", i drowsily asked. "Hello ed", i heard Uncle Noel's voice from other side. I checked the caller id again. Oh! It is Noel. But why did he called so early. "Are you there, young man?".
"yes, uncle. Wh-why did you called me uncle?". "Are you attending mr. Holmes' Morning classes today?". Oh, i forgot about that. Mr. Holmes might kill me if i take another leave for Calculus. "Yes, iam". "Come over on your way".
"Yup, will be there in 10 minutes." He ended the call.

So,i cannot go for another round. May be a quicke won't hurt. But no, i need to see Noel. I grabbed the white shirt lying on the floor along with my jacket. The omega was slowly stirring from her sleep. By observing her face, i have never seen her before. Maybe new to town. Well, who don't knows about Hershey's club. Oh! I know someone, Julian Novert.

I closed the door behind as i walked outside. Maybe i should ask Jeron to usher her outside, if she didn't leave by Noon. Its all about perks of being George Hershey's best friend. He gifted me this Personal VIP room on my 16th birthday, when i first transformed to my wolf. Since, then i don't know how many omegas and betas had Jeron, George's personal Butler has ushered outside of that room. Ofcourse, my Father don't know about this room. But he is not a fool. He knows i don't use my hands to get off everyday. Being a hot blooded true blood alpha, its hard to control my instincts. I need to fuck someone to have a good release.

I started walking to the backside of club where my Sports bike is parked. I kick-started my bike. And that peaceful feeling when the wind gushes to my face, again came back.

I turned the grechens' to take the route to Noverts'. But why must have jake called me so early in the morning. Oh! Don't say me its about that omega. Now i think about it, he fucking asked me first, whether am attending Morning classes or not. Well, i couldn't have said No, even if i realised it. Well, its Noel iam talking about. One of the few people, i really care about in this whole world. Noel is really like a father figure to me, a person who i always look upto. But what really surprises me everytime is his son, Julian Novert. One of the two Male omegas in Greyhound pack.

He is not that typical omega, who gets exquisitely dressed and whines to get more attention. He is reverse of all that.
Everyone can spot an omega when we see one but not him. He looks like a nerd kid with a hoodie draped over his body which goes with his sweat pants. Sometimes, could see layers of white sheets rolled around his body, peeking from the hoodie. God knows, what is there to hide under it. Kid has serious issue in showing his skin. Even the most beautiful omegas, proudly flaunts their body around to gather attention from the most strongest alpha, to whom they wanted to be knotted with.

Well, it is not all these that made me to hate him. More than what is outside its what is inside that makes my blood boils. And he has that special ability to smoothly gets under my skin. He has been a pest, since the day i was born.I was always asked to be with him, to make sure he was okay. The more they asked me to do it, the more i despised to do it. I was not allowed to even follow my instincts, because i was always asked to stay back with the omega. But ever since i turned 16, it all changed. And i have been thankful since then.

As the future Head alpha of greyhound pack, following behind a nerdy male omega was something that tainted my reputation. And what most i cannot put up with him is his intolerable attitude. He acts like he is some precious omega and its my duty to keep him safe. And the times he dodged away me to my father, And the day long punishments and scoldings that i used to get from him just because of that nerdy omega. As mentioned earlier, Uncle Noel is someone i respect beyond limits. Its just because of him, i haven't snapped his head into two.

As i reached the Noverts', i parked my bike in the porch and walked inside. Noverts' is like my second home. When i was young, i was brought here on almost all weekends as my parents were so close to Noverts. But, i don't visit like i used to and the prime and only reason is that omega.Well, Noel and Lilly is too sweet but seeing that nerdy omega just in school itches my skin.

"Noel! Iam here.", i called out as i climbed the steps to living room. "Where are you coming from? You reek of alcohol and..."
"Sex, had a tough night. Don't glare me like that Noel. You just called me in the morning and asked me to come over. I forgot to take a bath as i rushed outside." I blabbered.
"Just take a bath from jule's room. I will ask lilly to pick you some clothes." I nodded my head as i dragged my feet to the omega's room. His door was slightly ajar and i could hear some whispering sounds from inside. I pushed open the door and there he lies on the bed, in his nerdy clothes very comfortably. All set to attend Mr. Holmes' classes, that will take another hour to start.

"Are n't you a little more comfortably laying in there by disrupting my peaceful ride.", i sneered.

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