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Every young wolves assembled in there were going crazy when Julian stepped out to the arena. He has always covered his attractivity under a nerdy disguise that tonight under the moon glow, when he walked out, he was looking so ethereal and graceful. The dress that was specifically selected to him was flawlessly flaunting his curves and bums, a sinful scene to watch. Full moon heightens the sexual frivolity of werewolves. And every young wolves assembled in there were unknowingly drooling for the beautiful omega.

The lustful gazes that Julian feels on his body was making him so disgusting. He had never wore a dress to public before, but today he was forced to wear one. They said it is to lure the strongest Werewolf out there. He was feeling pain in his abdomen because of the punishment he recieved earlier,as he refused to do what the woman said. He was hating every moment of his life. On the front of the arena, he could see Ron and Frenny. Frenny looked like,she would cry at any second and Ron has his hands wrapped around his sister so as to console her.

He wanted to search for his parents, but don't want to do that. Cause, he know he couldn't stand the sadness and pain of his parents. Instead, he looked down because he don't want more people to see him like this - so vulnerable and weak. Especially his parents.
His hands started to clench in a fist when he heard Alpha Jake's voice thundering in the arena.
"Welcome to all those who were able to gather in here in such a short notice. Today, the grey hound pack is facing a crisis because of an unmated omega. For keeping peace in the werewolf community and as the Alpha of the pack, i...", Jake glanced at Julian, who has his head held down to the ground, before continuing his speech,"... Hereby marks the beginning of the ceremony. Gelen Sasha, director of Omegan board will explain further"

Julian muted out when Gelen stepped in to explain the rules and regulations. Short after some time, the ceremony begun. Throughout, he could hear growls and grunts from dominant Alphas - fighting for him.

Sylver was too transfixed when he saw Julian stepping out to the Arena. Of course, he wanted to claim the beautiful omega but he needed to wait for the powerful fight to reach the peak.

Nearly everyone has come out to try their best to claim the male omega. Having a male omega under their wing means power. Sylver was waiting for the perfect time to challenge and as soon it reached the peak to Full moon, he charged.

Sylver's was a grey wolf who was way too strong and vicious that he nearly teared down the opponent. And every werewolf assembled could feel his power. And that might be the reason why no other wolf was ready to come out.
The jury waited for another werewolf for challenge but in lack of that, Gelen stood up from her high seat to proclaim the winner.
"So, after the continuous skillful fights we had finally found our Most strongest Alpha for the Male omega of Grey Hound pack - Sylvester siruis"

Julian was thunderstruck when he heard it. He could feel the said Alpha's gaze sweeping on him. He felt his head becoming dizzy as he knew - now its over.
Sylver moved towards him, with firm steps like he was going to claim him infront of the packs gathered in there. The wolf was nudging his mind link to talk with him. The wolf was asking for his submissiveness.
And Julian know he could not withstand the other's forceful dominant aura anymore.Julian looked down, because his worst nightmare is going to come true. To be claimed like one of ths whores in a brothel.
Sylver whiffed him, as he walked around him in circles. His guards from the back was bringing him a coat as he will be transforming back anytime while sylver kept going round in circles.

His wolf was screaming and whimpering inside him for his Alpha but all of it was abruptly stopped when he felt it.
Felt the presence of his mate.
Like he was more closer to him.
Sudddenly, the disgust he feeling while standing on the arena started to diminish as he felt a protective gaze fell on him.

A loud growl erupted in, which made the whole arena go quiet. Sylver's win was brutally interrupted as the dominant true blood wolf incharged to the ground. He was a majestic black wolf from whom the power was influentially oozing out, making those surrounding him to bow their head in submission.
Those from other pack may not have identified the powerful Alpha but the Grey hound pack could identify their future Alpha in any form.


As in,a loud gasp erupted in the place upon realisation.The wolf was taking calculative steps towards the grey wolf and its never good when a true blood's eyes turn red.

The Wolf's stature clearly states he was challenging the Grey wolf. But the red eyes and visibly slow firm steps was pointing that he was directly going for the kill. There is no real fight required, because as soon as the black wolf start to growl in true blood's sound, every wolf put down their head in submission - even Sylver, well ofcourse except his father.Julian was looking down with tears streaming down his eyes. Sylver's wolf slowly cowered away as Edward start to move towards the Omega.

He don't want to look up. He don't want to see him. He will lose it if he saw Edward like this. He might not be able to control his wolf from running to his arms. Because, it hurts. It hurts so much that he could pathetically break down infront of all these people gathered infront.

Edward slowly started to take slow steps in his attacking mode. From the posture itself, anyone could understand that the wolf was going for the kill.
Suddenly, Jake came out of the crowd to stop his son. Because, if Edward do something beyond his control today, like attacking the future Alpha of Sirius pack. Then, they will be forced to go to war.
"Edward! Son! Noo"
Jake was trying his maximum to calm down Edward but the said Wolf was so ready to fight the other one. His instincts were screaming to kill the one dared to move to his mate.

But before he charged, a sudden distressed scent soured.Edward's wolf howled as he got the scent.
Julian was in there was hanging on his last string of strength but when he felt his mate's presence - his omega preened in happiness. But,the omega whimpered when he couldn't see his Alpha not coming closer to him. The intense pain made him lose.
And slowly he start to feel his vision start to blur and there infront of all the pack members, he fainted.

Lily and Noel ran to their son but a loud growl erupted which stopped them in their tracks. A true blood is so possessive in stages like this and Edward don't want anyone to come near to Julian.
Two guards came to him quickly with a shorts and robe as he changed to his human form.

He took the omega in his hands as he crouched near to the Omega's body, "Hey... W-h-at happened?".
The omega in his hands were taking slow breaths as if like he is not breathing.
"Edward! Lets take him to the hospital!"

He was controlling his alpha from going berserk. Because his omega was in there, feeling so much pain that he knew at best was because of him. His wolf was whimpering in pain as he took the omega in his arms. Julian didn't curled to his heat as he did before, instead he just laid pliantly in his arms with his face contoured in pain.
He know he was too late.
And that weight of guilt on his shoulders was making him so frustrated. He was even more angry towards everyone surrounding him. For letting this happen to the omega in his hands. He could hear his Father's words ringing in his ear, that he had always heard - "Edward! Always and always be there for Julian". And why doesn't his father let him to go through all of this. He was angry at the pack members for not supporting Julian. And moreover, he was angry at himself for not being there for his omega.
For not creating a safe place for his omega.


Beauty in imperfection.
Thankyou to all my readers.
10k reads means so much for me❤️


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