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Julian's POV

Its been six days that i have been went into triggered heat, six days since i last attended my classes, six days edward has been punished and six days since i realized that iam not a normal omega but a true moon omega.

Doctor said, the main reason why i went into a triggered heat is a way to attract my mate, as iam turning 18 by the end of week. Dere has not gone through any of this, because he is a normal omega with stable heats but me as a true omega will have indifferent ways in everything. It is now kept as a top secret by our alpha, because as of now, there exists only one true moon omega in this whole world.
I cannot think what might have happened to me, if Appa doesn't came. Since that day, my parents have been so overprotective of me that they don't allow me even to attend my classes.

Another thing is that my doctor said that i will again go into another unexpected heat if i didn't get marked by an alpha within days after my 18th birthday.

Appa was so against the idea of me going to school but my obstinacy won. What if my future mate is against educating me. I am not sure what is the future beholding for me. Appa gave me a ride to my school, throughout he kept reminding me to call him even if i felt a slight discomfort. Because iam in post heat state, my scent glands were masked. Post heat is making me so sensitive. Yesterday, when my appa first denied me to go to class, i felt something so pain in my heart and then, my eyes started to brim with tears. I have never cried in my life just because my appa doesn't allow me to go somewhere. May be that is the reason my parents became so panicked, especially my mom. It took hours for them to console me.
Maybe thats the reason why iam walking to my classroom today. I haven't seen Frenny but before meeting her, i need to meet him.
I don't know why iam having this feeling of a great guilt. Its not surprising since, its because of me he is going through the tough punishments. Its not even his fault to begin with. For the first time, i felt like apologising.But where in the world is he.
Asking his friends is a bad idea, so i just decided to walk to his locker.

As i turned to his locker at 2A, a strong scent of arousal hit me. There he was standing near his locker with a brunette in his hand. They were in a compromising position with his hand inside her shirt and his shirt was midway done, practically eating out each other's faces. I  quickly closed my eyes and the first thought that came to my mind was to turn away and run but what if i didn't get another chance. So, with a stuttering voice, i called out- "Eddw.. aardd". Might has got whiff of my scent.
They stopped their session and gazed at me. The brunette was looking at me questioningly, like pondering her own thoughts to remember me. But Edward was glaring at me.
"Why are you here?", He growled.
I whimpered by hearing his voice. But the omega beside him seems to be unaffected. May be other post heat symptoms.
"I... Camee to seee youu", i answered.
"For what?, just get you and your pathetic self out of my sight", He sneers.
The omega beside him was releasing soothing pheromones may be to cool him down. Since, i had masked my scent, i could sense it but couldn't feel it.
My eyes started to brim with tears but i was hanging on my last string of confidence to not cry in front of him. He had insulted me uncountable times but its the first time, he insulted me infront of another person and that too a female omega.
The other omega might had sensed my distress, she tried to soothe me by trying to catch a hold of my shoulder but i was quick in reflex, i just swatted her hands away,because iam still sensitivie to touches in my post heat
"How dare you to do that? Stay away from her." It was the first time, he used alpha voice with me. I wanted to look at him but i cannot even hold my head high, i wanted to say something back at him But all i felt was the darkness and my omega instincts to do whatever he tells. I took a few steps from her reflexively. He moved past me by dragging that girl with him.
As soon as he left from the hall, i fell on my knees and started to weep. The tears were pouring from eyes relentlessly.
I hate him.
He knows how it effects me.
But another thought that came to my mind was this was how my life was going to be, if my alpha so happens to be this controlling. I couldn't control myself, i tried to call my best friend, frenny.
"Where were you,? Why didn't you took my ? You know it i will get worried? Then why?" I could hear her shouting from other side. But i cannot bring my words to respond.
"C-om--e here pl--s-- 2..A" i stuttered.
I was not able to complete my sentence, it was difficult to spit out the words. I could feel my body shivering. Why does it have to affect me so much.
I could hear distant foot steps coming from the other end. Before i knew, i was engulfed in a tight hug. But, it was not Frenny , it was Ronald, frenny's brother.I could hear him asking me to take deep breathes. I could hear Frenny's asking me to breath from other side. I could sense Ron's soothing scent but since, my scent glands were maske..
"Uhhh.." I yelped in pain as Ron tore away the bandage on my glands.
"Iam sorry, now take deep a breath", i could hear ron hushing near my ear.
Now i could feel his soothing scent and surprisingly it was working. My breaths were getting laboured. I could feel him patting my shoulder.
I slowly opened my eyes to see Frenny's panicked face.
"Do you wanna go home?", Frenny asked. I nodded my head. Ron slowly picked me up from the ground in bridal style and moved towards the main building.
"The baackk door, plss", i murmured. As if understanding my thoughts, he turned to the back door of the school, with frennu following closely behind me.
Throughout my ride to my house, the only thought that was in my mind was how i cannot survive even for a day without someone.

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