Sometimes it's not that easy

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Disclaimer: The mentioned family members of Niko are own characters and not inspired by his actual family. Therefore, they have different names and most likely other characteristics. I decided to do so, because I don't want to write about people who are not in public. But now: Enjoy the chapter!

A few hours that I mostly spent sleeping instead of studying later, we arrived at the train station in Oulu. „It feels good to be here again, to be where my family lives", I said smiling while we were getting up and walking towards the doors. „Yeah, I believe it always feels great to come home, wherever that is", Niko agreed. I nodded quietly because I didn't dare to say out loudly what I thought. For me home is wherever you are. You are my home.

„Is there anything I should know about your family to not put my foot in it?", I asked while we were walking to the parking lot. „No, not really. You should better not talk about my ex but I'm sure that hasn't been your plan anyway. But maybe you should know about my sister's behavior. She's quite skeptical when it comes to my friends. She hated my ex and at first, she couldn't stand Joel either.She always said that he scared her because of his tired eyes.

But also apart from that, she usually doesn't like the people I bring home. So she might act a little weird and be distant and kinda unfriendly.. However, as soon as she accepts you as a friend of mine, she'll adore you and you'll never get rid of her", he chuckled. „That's what happened to little man. My little sister loves him and whenever he's at my family's, he can't spend a minute without her clinging onto him", Niko chuckled.

„But then... Why did you invite me?", I asked quietly the question I couldn't answer myself. Why would he invite me to his sister's birthday when she didn't like his friends and acted so distant around them?! To me, this didn't make sense at all. And by now, I wasn't sure anymore whether I'd enjoy this day as much as I had thought to.

„It's a tradition in our family that when someone celebrates their birthday with the family, their siblings may invite a friend to have some fun, too. Although my sister is not always happy with my choice, she has to deal with it. And to be honest, she eventually liked every of my friends – apart from my girlfriend. She somehow never got along well with my girlfriends... But Sofia, don't worry, she will eventually accept you."

„Hm", I mumbled. „Sofia", Niko suddenly stopped and held me by my shoulders. „I'm sure my family will like you and as I already said, even if they don't, you don't have to care about that. We will have fun, you as much as I. Okay?", after quickly looking around, he leaned forward to softly placed his lips on my forehead and hugged me tightly for a second before he started walking again until we eventually reached the parking lot where a woman stood that had similar facial characteristics as Niko.

„Hey", the woman greeted us and hugged Niko. „Hey, mom!" Niko smiled at her as he hugged his mom. „Hello, Mrs. Moilanen. I'm Sofia. Nice to meet you", I shyly greeted her and held out my hand to her. „Call me Ida", she smiled and then added „We only do hugs, if it's okay for you". As I didn't instantly refuse, she wrapped her arms around me, too. The way she so warmly welcomed me, I felt a lot less insecure. I felt like without knowing me, she accepted me to be a guest at her daughter's birthday party.

„Let's go home, your sister is already excited to see you again after you spent so many days in the studio and in Helsinki. Oh and she's curious to get to know you, Sofia, too", Ida smiled at me. „Is she?", Niko chuckled. „You won't believe it but she actually is. Maybe it's because Sofia is not your girlfriend and we told her to not be too possessive about you", Niko's mom chuckled before she questioned our relationship. „You are not in a relationship, right? I mean, I wouldn't have a problem with that at all, I just don't wanna say anything wrong." I looked at Niko, I didn't know what to answer. „We're not", Niko quickly said before he changed the topic. „Which cakes did you bake? I hope one of them is your chocolate cake that I love so much!"

Cuddle Buddies - Niko Vilhelm Moilanen | Blind ChannelWhere stories live. Discover now