Dating Simulators. [Tomohiro X Reader]

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On Saturday _______ was sitting at her best friend's house and playing a lot of video games. It was kinda funny, cause when Tomohiro lost, his other best friend, Ryosuke, would be like: "You can't flirt being so nice. That's why you are single." Why was it funny? You'll see.

"I think a nice guy is better than a bad guy, any day." _______ spoke.

"Your opinion doesn't count." Ryosuke said.

"And why not?" She asked.

"Cause you have weird tastes in everything." Ryosuke answered.


"Guys, let's not fight!" Tomohiro's voice spoke up.

"Okay, let's play this dating sim, and dress you masculine character like you're dressing your perfect boyfriend." Ryosuke said.

"Fine." was ______'s response.

______ started dressing her character: (insert outfit here) but she didn't care so much how he was dressed, but how he was acting. She was so into the game, that she didn't notice Tomohiro actually taking notes.

"My score is 257, yours?" ______ spoke up.

"What?! Mine was 216! Not fair!" Ryosuke complained.

"Told ya, nice guys are better."


The next day, Tomohiro looked over the notes. "I'm going to be the perfect guy she wants." Tomohiro told himself. Oh, young love.

He dressed in (insert outfit here) and looked over the lines ____'s character used. When he tought he was ready, he exited the house to meet with Ryosuke and ______ at Starbucks.

He entered the coffee shop and immediately almost every girl was squealing. He looked so hot and cute in the same time! Even ______ almost squealed.

Ryosuke didn't even recognize him!

"T-Tomohiro?!" Ryosuke asked.

"Yes, it's me." Tomohiro answered keeping his cool for _____, sitting next to her.

"What happend to you?" ______ asked.

"Being the perfect boyfriend for you." Tomohiro answered as he put his hand around ______'s waist.

"You already were." ________ answered as she kissed his cheek.


"Yes." They both replied.

"And you said he can't get a girlfriend." _____ said as Tomohiro smiled.

[A/N]: I'm sorry for this late update, but I've been busy with my Paulineee, and I forgot to update. I hope it's not that shitty, but I bet it's short. Hope you like it~ and English is not my first language, sorry for mistakes I was writing fast and not checking.

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