Blind and mute.

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She was born on the magical day of Christmas, yet few weeks after she was born in an already poor family, she has been left out in the cold because her loud cries were too annoying for the mother to bear.

A kind old woman took the baby in and raised it as if it was her own, but when the girl grew up to be 16, the woman died and left the girl alone on the world.

The girl's kindness could not be matched by anyone in this world, she wouldn't kill a single bug even. However, she has been bullied.

Too many times to count on 20 people's fingers and toes.

Her own friend would often call her annoying, whether in joke or not, it hurt her sensitive and pure soul, because not even once has she muttered a single bad word about something or somebody.

Then, there was her boyfriend. He was kind and supportive, as well as protective of his girlfriend.


Ever since he found new pals, with a horrible attitude to match their horrible souls. So one night, when she called to ask where he is because it was getting late and he hasn't answered her text, he yelled at her for being annoying.

"Can you actually shut up for once in your life?! I'm having fun with my guys. You don't need to know everything Jesus. *giggles are heard in the background* Now bye bye"

Poor girl cried for more hours that the Lord himself could watch. But then, she reminded of something she thought about a while ago.

Donating her vocal chords.

"That would mean that my vocal chords wouldn't be wasted anymore"

She got up and took her laptop from the desk, searching for an appropriate hospital and doctor for the donation. Sure enough, there was one.

Maybe if I wait this see if anyone notices. She thought

But even after that, no one noticed that the girl hasn't muttered a single word.

The doctor responsible for this area of donations was surprised to hear such a young girl would be willing to sacrifice her voice forever, and let's just said he asked her at least 18 more times to make sure she really wants that.

That was the last day anyone ever heard the voice of ______ _______.

After the donation, the girl tried speaking and all she got out was air. To the doctor's surprise, she smiled, and even when he asked her to tell him why she did it on a piece of paper, she shook her head and smiled. Instead of telling him the other half of the reason, she wrote "to help somebody make use of the voice they never had".

When she went back to school, in senior year, she kindly wrote a letter for every teacher in private to acknowledge her gesture. One of her teachers was shaken by the brave and inexplicable gesture, since she was a straight A student and a very intelligent person with a bright future ahead.

No one questioned her silence, they all thought it was a phase.

After days that turned in weeks, however, things changed.

"______ what's this? Are you mad at me?"

She shook her head.

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