Christmas Time. [Kai Shimada x Reader]

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A happy melody could be heard from the Kai's window, and he knew that voice, his precious best friend (Your Name).

"HMPF?! (Your Name) is coming and I'm only in my underwear!" Kai screamed, and started to dress up, not even saying that his apartament was a mess. Too bad, somebody knocked at the door. When he got to open the door, (Your Name) hugged him saying "Merry Christmaaaas!" with her happy, sweet voice. Kai's cheeks were completely red, you could see that from space, well, Kai had a 'crush' on (Your Name) since he was 15, long time since then, two years without telling her, actually trying hard to forget that, by dating other girls, many other girls, but he break up with every girl because he couldn't say to them 'I love you' back, he knew the only person that he could tell that. "You are in your pyjamas?! Kai! It's Christmas!" she said, still hugging Kai, but his cheeks came back to normal, he was just in a shirt without sleeve, 'to show his work on his body' and some pants, casual ones, with nice design. ".. THAT happens when you wake me up, sugar skull. Merry Christmas, too." he said, with his gentile voice. "Where is your christmas tree?!?!" she yelled, letting go of the hug. "Your house is a mess, you woke up now and you don't have a christmas tree." she said. "I don't mind." he replied. " .. Maybe you don't, but I do!" she said, starting to clean a place in the living room. "What are you doing?!" he said, he didn't want her to work for him. "Let me alone. Go play some stupid video games, I have work to do." she replied. "I'm not going to play any stupid video game! Argh! I hate you for this!" he said, starting to clean up too, and in 30 minutes, his apartament was clean and smelled like (Favourite Flavour), her favourite flavour. "Now, the Christmas Tree!" she said, energetic, but Kai sat down on his couch, bored and tired. "So, here is the tree..and-" Kai was looking gentile at her, how she was decorating and fixing his own tree, what a jerk, but his look was a lovely one. "The star.. " she said, lifting up on her toes and tried to put the star on the top of the tree, but she wasn't tall enough. She looked back at Kai, but he didn't pay attention, what a jerk, again. ".. Okay then." she said, and brought a chair to help her. While she was on the chair, she made a wrong step, and fell.... Right in Kai's arms. She was scared, so, so scared, she could die. "KAI! Your jerk!" she said with tears in the corner of her eyes and hugged him tight. Kai wrapped his arms around her, fast. "I-I'm sorry." he muttered. "..." you wanted to say something, but then you saw the mistletoe, you two were under it. "Umm, Kai..?" you said, slowly. He lift you up, asking 'What's wrong?' and you've shown his what was wrong. Exactly, you kissed him fast, without any warning, you lift up on your toes and grabbed him by shoulders and just pushed your lips against his. He was shocked, but .. when he put order in his toughts, the kiss was ready. "I-I'm sorry, Kai, I didn't want to make you angry, it was something I wanted to tell you, so I put a mistletoe to make it easier..but actually it didn't and I-" He answered at her kiss.. By kissing her back, stopping her from speaking, kissing even more passionaly, even more hungry, wanting her to never stop, and he wrapped his arms around her, pulling her closer, and kissing her non-stop. He pushed her gently on the couch, shoving his hands a bit under her shirt. She didn't seem to mind that, with her arms wrapped around the redhead's neck. She actually interrupted him, by saying "The star! I didn't put it! Help me this time, Kai.". "Aaaaand I can get more sugar after?" he said, with an 'evil' smile. ".. Hmm.. If I put it fast, then I guess--" she couldn't finish her sentence because he lift her up, put her on his shoulders and said "Put it damn fast, I'm starving to get you.". 


[A/N]: Merry Christmas, guys! :) I wrote this as a Christmas one, with one of my favourite characters: Kai Shimada. I hope you guys enjoyed it and have a good time and a great day. *waiting for requests*

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