Battle between bad-boys. [Yuuya Kizami x Reader x Kai Shimada]

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It was lunch time. Everything looked alright and it was somehow silence. Somehow. As usual, you were sitting next to Yuuya and Kensuke, your best friends somehow. Somehow. Because Yuuya was never open to you completely as Kensuke was, you were actually a bit worried he doesn't consider you his friend.. But actually he considered you maybe even more. Like his own.. rabbit. But one hell of a cute and sweet rabbit, a delicate and in the same time reckless rabbit. In his eyes, you were damn amazing: not afraid of blood, not afraid of a fight and not afraid to die. Perfect in every way, but there maybe was a flaw: your temper. And God, you had a temper..

"_______, what are you thinking about?" Kensuke asked you, while he was eating with a big grin on his face. "Is some guy you're thinking abouuut?"

Yuuya's attention was then settled on this conversation, for evident reasons.

"No." was your blunt reply. "That bitch just gave me an eight because I didn't say 'Miss'. Are you fucking kidding me? Not my fault you're not married at fifty-two years and want to be called 'Miss' because of that. I wonder why is she not married, if you understand my sarcasm." you continued.

"Oh, ______." Kensuke laughed.

You smiled seeing that you made your friend to laugh, it was a nice feeling to make someone feel good.

"The man-whore just arrived." Yuuya's voice could be heard, deep and irritated.

You knew what that meant: Kai entered the cafeteria, too. You didn't have a problem with Kai, another bad-boy like your friend in your right, sooo...Why hate him?

"Yuuya! Behave!" Kensuke exclaimed and kicked him under the table. "We don't want to start a scene, now, do we?"

"Hn." Yuuya replied.

If you weren't there, he would have kicked him a lot harder in reply, but because you were, he tried to behave. Yes, Yuuya tried to behave.

"Who says we don't?" You smirked. "Maybe-"

"______!" Kensuke gasped.

"Calm down, I was kidding." You smiled.

Just in a blink, your food-recipient disappeared from your table and you were ready to punch someone in the face. You had [favourite food], of course you would punch someone.

"Hey jackass, give my-" Your eyes widened slightly when you looked up at your thief.

"Hello there, _____." Kai smirked.

"Kai." You acknowledged him. "Give my food back."

"Not until you kiss me~" Kai said. Maybe Ryosuke's advice would work: Try to get her attention. I don't know. Steal something of hers that she loves and make her pay a kiss for it. This happens in my games.

Your cheeks reddened just a bit, but no way to let him notice your blush, too late. Yuuya noticed. It's going to be blood.

"She won't. Give her food back, now." Yuuya threatened.

"And if I won't, barbie-face?" Kai answered.

Yuuya tought about all the things Tomohiro said: Treat her nice, like her prince in shining armour. Fight for her, protect her and treat her like a delicate flower. It works in my games.

Yuuya stood up. "Fuckface, I said Give.Her.Food.Back.Now." He showed his fist. "Else, you'll have a new tattoo on that shit you name 'face'."

Kai was ready for battle, so he moved his fist upper in the air. They were ready to punch the other in the face, right then and there.

"You know that they're fighting for you, right?" Kensuke whispered as you just rolled your eyes at his 'sarcastic' comment. "I'm not joking."

You looked back at the guys that were ready to fight and put yourself between them.

"Just fuck off, both of you." You stopped them and kissed Kai on the cheek. You took advantage of the moment he was shocked and he was slightly blushing, to take the food from his hand, yours and his. Then you kissed Yuuya's cheek and the same shock was on his face. Again, you took advantage and took his jacket from his shoulder.

You left the guys dumbfounded there, as you put Yuuya's jacket on you and headed outside to eat your food and new food, smiling. Kai had the same food.
Bonus ending:

"Well, your advice worked, somehow." Kai muttered to Ryosuke. "But she left after that, genius."

"NOT MY FAULT. That's why I play games and not talk to girls, because in the game they can't leave youuuu!"
[A/N]: I had this in my drafts for a long time, so I decided to finish it, finally. I just got the biggest grade in class at Romanian, and that means a lot in a test, because it's so damn hard. So because of my happiness, I decided to update and found this in my drafts. :) I hope you like it guys. :) And again, excuse my English.

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