Suicide Note

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Before reading this: Please keep in mind that if you've ever thought about committing suicide, it's not okay. You're a wonderful person and I care about each person that goes through this. I know it's hard, I really do, but please stay strong and stay safe. Be kind to others even if they're not kind to you. Don't harm yourself or think about that thing again. You're a beautiful flower in a garden full of shits :)

⚠ I'm not promoting suicide. This is just an one-shot that represents my stupid thoughts and ideas. Please be safe.

All she ever wanted was to give happiness and be sure everybody was happy and safe.

All she ever asked for was a friend.

She always comforted everyone when they were sad, and felt pain when they felt pain and never expected anything in return.

Today, she finally broke down after many people have done her wrong. She couldn't take it anymore, so she cried.

And cried.

And cried.

"[L/N]-san, are you okay?"

No. I'm not okay.

"Yes, Shinozaki-chan, I am." She smiled shyly and waved at her like it meant nothing.

She helped Ayumi as she cried onto her shoulder because of her boyfriend. She stayed there for hours to comfort her and keep her company while she was feeling sad.

"Thank you, [F/N]-chan! You're the best! Talk to you tomorrow!"

The next day, [F/N] asked Ayumi how is she and Ayumi simply decided to look at her boredly then go back to her supposed friends.

"Good morning, [F/N]-chan!"

"Yoshiki-san? Today the art teacher praised my 3-hour-painting in front of the class and everyone was amazed. I was feeling so proud and warm and--" She stopped when she realized that the boy in front of her wasn't even listening. "O-Oh I'm sorry." She hang her head low and turned to leave, but Yoshiki paid no mind towards it.

"Yoshiki-sama, are you okay? Do you want to eat lunch together? We cou--"

"You're annoying, [F/N]! Can't you see I'm busy fixing this bento for Shinozaki?! I'm planning to confess to her, so stop bothering me! I don't want to eat lunch with you." He spat at her.

"O-Oh. I'm sorry. Good luck, I hope she likes you back." She let out a glimpse of a smile as she turned her back and left to eat alone.

She looked at him, then back at her notebook. "Good morning." she said quietly, but not a hint of coldness in her soft voice.

"Class, please sit down." the teacher said as she entered the room.

I can't do this.

"Good job, [L/N]-san, that's how you solve the exercise, class. " the teacher praised her after she solved a hard exercise.

"Why isn't [L/N]-san looking proud? She should be, that was a hard exercise." Naomi asked worriedly.

"Your weight is [number] kilograms? That's 2 kilograms above the skinny number of kilos for your height." Naomi frowned. "Do you want some of my help?"

"N-No. I usually don't eat breakfast because I feel sick in the morning." She answered shyly.

"That's not good! You should!"

Of course she didn't feel proud anymore, she was sick of being every teacher's favourite. She had to work a lot of hours for many subjects Olympics and many contests where teachers assigned her to. She had to lose a lot of hours and become a little sick because she had to keep her grades high. She didn't want to remember what happened when she got an 83% at a test.

Corpse Party One-shots [Under Editing!]Where stories live. Discover now