A gamer's love. [Reader x Ryosuke Katayma]

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"Tomohiro! Is your sister home?"

"Y-Yes..? Why?"

"Uh, just asking."

The boys were talking while walking to Tomohiro's place for a 'guys' sleepover, which meant: drink energy drinks, play video games all night, watch horror movies, and a lot more. The only thing that bothered Ryosuke was the thing that Tomohiro's sister, (F/N), is going to be there, and he couldn't act like a insane person nor scream, because you may think that he is weird. He didn't want that. He tought (F/N) is the best at so many things, being the best in: math, science, cooking, and so many other classes.

"Here we are." said the brown-haired teenager. "(F/N)! Do you mind opening for us? I forgot my keys home.."

"Us? Who's us?" you said as you opened the door. You were as beautiful as ever, even if you were in casual clothes and had no make-up. "Ryosuke!" You giggled.

"(F-F/N)!" He had a little hint of blush on his cheeks, his name sounded way better with your sweet voice.

"C'mon in!" You said as you made space for them to enter.

It wasn't the biggest apartment, but it wasn't little either. It was actually pretty big, just for everyone to have place and to not me crowded.

The guys didn't even say anything else, poof, right in front the gaming console. Psht, boys. You tought as you giggled one more time. Then, it hit you. Your brother wasn't even showing a bit of shyness, he was all energetic and all social. How many energy drinks he drank?

"(F/N), someone is calling us, can you go please, sis?" Tomohiro's voice echoed in the whole house, enough for you to hear from the kitchen.

"Yes, I can. Doesn't mean I will."

Of course, it was just teasing, you had to, he was way too busy.

'Hello guys, Tomohiro?'

"No, aunt, it's me, (F/N)."

'Oh, (F/N)! Can you please tell Tomohiro to drop by at my house? I have an emergency with the car and I need his help to clean it a bit and fix it.'

"Oh, um-..  Sure. No problem."

She hang up the call. It was actually nornal for this to happen, because her car is old and she doesn't want another one.





"Tomohiro, answer me!"

Still nothing.. Wait.

"Ryosuke! Why you paused the game?!"

"Because your sister is calling you, jerk. You should answer her."

"She was calling me? Oh."

Finally, he came into the kitchen asking what's wrong. Of course, he didn't like the idea of leaving the game for fixing an old car, but there was no choice.

"Ryosuke, I'm leaving for an hour or two, try not to break anything." He laughs.

How many energy drinks, damn..

"Wait, what?!"

He couldn't even protest because Tomohiro left. He left him alone with his sister, you. Here we go with the angry blush again.

"Hehe, are you angry about being alone~ with me, Ryosuke? I don't bite." You giggled. You were so different from your brother personality, you were more open than him to someone new, you didn't stutter, you were always a smile and so nice, wait, what is he thinking?! "You're redder."

Damn it, she noticed! Ryosuke tought.

"Of anger, I have to pause the game for an hour or more!" He tried to save himself, and from the appearances, it worked.

"Hmm, help me learn how to play then!" You gave him a warm smile. You didn't want just to learn, you wanted him..  - his attention!  No, his-.. Uh?

"M-me?" Oh, sweet stuttering. He was blushing, it was new visible, because he had to put his hands on yours. "O-oh, okay." He truly wanted to slap himself for the stuttering, it was so awkward, what will you think of a stuttering person?!

"Okay. So let's see." You grabbed a controller and watched him. Oh, he was so embarrassed, the king of games was embarrassed! He came behind you, and wrapped his arms around yours, with his hands on yours and the controller. Now, this was almost the darkest shade of red I've ever seen.

"The controls are: B for jump, from here you move.." You just listened at his instructions, even if you had distraction. "Understood? Can we start now or-"

"Understood. Let's start."

Of course, less you knew that it was a hard horror game, and even if you weren't so scared about this, some jump-scares made you jump. Actually, you were playing pretty good, and swearing even better. But then, at a jump-scare, you jumped onto Ryosuke's chest, as he dropped the controller in shock.

"I'm sorry Ryosuke it-" Now you noticed the blush, but you weren't so sure if it was blush. "Nevermind."

You continued playing and after a while, you looked at him, he had his pale face as usual. Let's test. You hold his hand, and of course, he blushed again.

"(F-F/N), what a-are you doing?!"

You giggled, it was so funng how red his face became.

"Nothing, red face." You said as you kissed him on the cheek. Now, it was the darkest shade of red, for sure.

"A-Argh! (F-F/N) this is cheating!" He said as he lost the battle with your character. The king lost.

"I'm so sorry." You said as you were laughing about his red angry face. "Ryosuke~" He was still upset, maybe angry, and that's how your laugh died. "Forgive me~" Nothing, he just turned away and started playing again. "Mnii." You complained as you kissed his cheek again. "Forgive me~ C'mon!" Now he was even redder, and he was in the middle of a boss battle, now enough is enough. He threw the controller on the couch, not even bothering to pause, and pulled you to him by grabbing your hand, and sweet kissed you with a bit of rough by his anger of losing.

"Now, who has her face red?" He said as he laughed, grabbing his controller and with a hand still holding yours.

"C-Cheater!" you stuttered. It was the first time you did so. So he hold your hand tighter.

"I love how we cheat on each other character. By the way, I left a heath pack there, grab it."

"W-Wha-?" Tomohiro added as he got home right when you two were kissing, but of course got unnoticed.

"Keep it for yourself." Ryosuke said as he sat on the couch and put you on him, with your legs on his lap, both sitting comfortable. "Okay?"

[A/N]: I'm so sorry this is such a mess, I didn't have a better idea for a Ryosuke x Tomohiro's Sister! Reader. Excuse me. I've been in not a too good period and I'm trying hard to write. No, I'm not going to stop writing, I think it's the last thing I want to do. I apologize for my grammar mistakes.

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