Chapter 25 - Aiming To Kill

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Aris pov:

I woke up in yeosangs arms quitly trying to move so I don't wake him up, then it all hit me at once, my parents, san, the face time. My parents are dead.

I didn't realise I was hysterical crying, when yeosang woke up and cuped my cheek, whipping away all the tears. "ari, please don't cry, I'm sorry I couldn't keep my promise" my tears stopped forming and creating rivers, I didn't want yeosang to be sorry for my parents death but I knew just what to do. "yeosang call a meeting".

Everyone was gaverd in the meeting room and I was about to tell everyone my idea. I just hoped they would help me.

"so why did you call us down here Ari" hongjoong asked.

"I have a plan, seok hurt all of us, didn't he" they all nod to my rehtorical question "he killed people we loved, and he's planning to kill us too" I said, hongjoong slowly walked up to me, standing infront of me "were are you going with this Ari".

"we should kill him" I said proud of myself and all of them looked disappointed.

"Ari, we don't kill people" san said with a meloncholy vioce. I felt less excited with my plan but I really thought they would agree.

"why, he deserves this, there's more of us to, we'll win" I said beggingly, I needed Thier help, I needed ateez by my side.

"Ari, this isnt you speaking, but your anger" san said slamming his hands on the table in an angry way "why don't you understand, this is the best option san" I said more angry with him this time.

"ENOUGH" everyone became silent as soon as hongjoong spoke up. "yunho, seonghwa take Ari out to get some fresh air, san and the rest are staying here with me, we need to talk" I wish the others could listen to me like they do to hongjoong, maybe then they would help me and take my side.

Seoks pov:

I was alone with my most trusted friend eun. I need to talk about some things, as my anger has been reaching higher and higher.

"so tell me, is it a good idea" I asked, "what if they try to kill you" he said, and yes they could try but they wouldn't, Thier to weak.

"I hold power eun, an ungodly amount of power that will push me closer and closer to Thier death, dont worry eun, I'll win" I said smiling brighter then I ever did before.

Hongjoongs pov:

"Ari has a point" I said whilst leaning on the wall looking down at the floor with my arms crossed "Ari isn't like us hongjoong, we are not making her a murderer or one of us" san said getting up form his chair and walking towards me. "she just proved you wrong, she is like us, you lied to her saying we don't kill, san we can help her" he grabbed my shirt pulling me closer, wooyoung tryed to pull him of but he pushed him away, the other were about to intervien but I told them not to "if she gets hurt hongjoong, I'll kill you" he let me go, walking away and leaving the room. "I guess he's in".

Aris pov:

I was in the garden with seonghwa and yunho. The garden was spacious and bautiful. Flowers sourded the garden and the sun made it look like heaven.

"you guys think I'm crazy don't you" seonghwa nuged me and gave me a bright smile. "me and yunho would help you, but it's up to hongjoong to decide" seonghwa said but I wished that not everything was up to the captain, I just wanted one thing and it was having seok dead, but I couldn't do it alone.

"what do I do to make hongjoong appreciate my idea more" i asked standing still causing the two men to turn around and face me. "if hongjoong made you a member he would appreciate you more, but your not" yunho said, I bit to harshly for my liking. Life's hard on me all the time.

"I'm going to find san" I said storming of leaving them behind.

Sans pov:

I was in my room, lying in bed, broken, sad and hurt. All I thought about was ari possibly getting hurt or worse getting killed and I didn't want that to happen.

"san, can I talk to you" I heard Ari say, as she entered my room. I nodded and she sat right beside me.

"I'm sorry that I want to kill seok, but I have to do this san, I just can't do it alone" she looked at me and she looked tierd, broken, she didn't look like Ari at all she looked different.

"I lied to you" she flinched at my words, taken aback by my honesty "I told you we don't kill, but we did" I said looking down not at her, she lifted up my head and all I could see was her bautiful smile.

"I need you to trust me, san" she said letting go of me "I do, sis. I trust you".


We are getting closer and closer to the fun but also sad bits of the story.

I hope you guys are enjoying mafia struck <3

Also look at this picture of yunho and woo :)
They look like father and son.

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