Chapter 26 - The Faker

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Authers note //

This chapter is evolved only around Aris pov and her getting to learn. Seok is not going to be in this chapter only ateez and Ari.

I introduced the members roles in the introduction however, they also have secret roles which I'll be explaining in this chapter.

Sorry for making this chapter so long. Enjoy this chapter <3


I was still with san in his room when Jongho walked in. "captain wants us all in the meeting room" we nodded our heads and left for the meeting room.

We were all sat around the big round table which was placed in the middle of the room. "Ari, your are going to have training" hongjoong said "for what" I asked, not knowing why I needed training, what type of training anyways.

"your going to be training to become the 9th member of ateez" all eyes went on me. I couldn't believe it. "you'll go through 8 days of training with all of us, so that I could figure out what role suits you best" he said standing up and walking to the door.

"come on, day 1 starts today, with me".

Day 1:

"so as you know, I'm the leader and my role is to make the right decisions and make sure the group is safe" he said leading me into the living room.

"so what am I training for today" I asked siting on the opposite side of the room facing hongjoong on the sofa "ill be helping you make the right choices".

"you are driven by anger Ari. Anger won't help you do the right things" hongjoong said looking deep into my eyes, resting his elbows on his thighs. "doesn't anger make you powerful" I asked, waiting on a reply. Hongjoong stood up and kneeled in front of me.

"anger makes you insane not powerful. To be powerful you need knowledge" he said flicking my forehead when he said knowladge. I put my hand up to my forehead massageing it becuase omg he flicked me hard.

Day 2:

"so you know me as the brains of the group but I'm also the look out" Jongho said and his role honestly sound so cool. "what do you mean by the look out" he giggled snorting like a pig and put his hand on my shoulder. "my role is to spy on the enemies and report back to captain" my mouth dropped, his role is so cool.

"close your mouth Ari, I'm here to teach you how to be stealthy".

We had the whole down stairs to ourselves and I got tasked to spy on hongjoong with Jongho to see if I make a great look out however, i knocked down a coat hanger and Jongho hit me in the back of my head. "well done you are now dead or locked in a basement".

Day 3:

"welcome to the weapons room" yunho said all proud of all his weapons he wanted to show me. The room was big and spacpuse there where weapons all over the place, from guns to bombs and loads and loads of knives and swords.

"I'm obviously In charge of the weapons but I'm also the weapon handler. I'm the best with them, I never miss the target". He took out his gun and withought looking shot the center of a target 4 times which was hanging on the wall.

"that, was, so cool" I said wanting to try myself "well good thing I'm here to teach you how to use a gun" he said smiling.

I was learning how to shoot when I decided to ask yunho a question "how are you so good with guns" he put his gun down and I did too.

"my dad would get into a lot of trouble with bad people, he tought me how to shoot at the age of 5" I was surprised his dad taught him at such a young age. "he got shot when I was 16 and I had to manage on my own. But ateez saved me and I'm thankful for them" he took his gun and started shooting at the target and I followed.

Day 4:

"I love you Ari, but I won't go easy on you" yeosang said leading me into the gym. "I'm the secret weapon according to hongjoong but my role is the strong point" I was a little confused by his role but I imagined it had something to do with him being strong.

"my role is to be cold hearted, I give no mercy to my enemies, I'm a murderer Ari" my face dropped instantly, I didn't know that yeosang isn't the loving person I knew but a killing machine.

"enough of this, I'm here to make you stronger, start with 50 push ups" you have to be joking.

Day 5:

At day 5 I was tierd, out of breath, yesterday's workout with yeosang worned me out. "don't be lazy it's a chill day today Ari, you have me hongjoongs number 2 bodyguard and best cook in the house" I giggled a little "is best cook your role" seonghwa laughed and sat down on a chair in the kitchen. "no Ari, I'm the gambler". these roles they have are insane.

"I gamble with the enemies and try to get to a conclusion. If it doesn't work the enemy dies, but there is a possibility I could die too".

"why do you gamble if your life is on the line" he smiled, looking deeply into my eyes "because I always win" he stood up and motioned me to follow him "come on we're going to gamble".

Day 6:

"hi sis and welcome to the kitchen" he laughed loudly "why are we in the kitchen" I asked, "you see I'm second in charge but I'm also the doctor, you know when life is at risk and there's no time to call minhyuk I'm here" I was honestly not expecting my brother to be a doctor.

He opened the fridge and pulled out something big "is that a pig" I said looking at that with disgust. "yes and we'll be operating on it sis, put on your gloves".

Day 7:

"hey did san treat you yesterday" wooyoung laughed "yh to a pig" I said not impressed "well princess, today hongjoongs number 1 bodygaurd aka me your brothers boyfriend is going to teach you long distance fighting as its my role".

"as yunho taught you how to handle guns I'll be teaching you how to handle knives" wooyoung said throwing a knife directly at me "catch" luckly it missed me "sorry, I forgot your learning".

2 hours into the fight and I was tierd, covered in blood and sweating "how much more woo" I said pounting, out of breath, "10 more minutes Ari, then I'll  send you to San to check out your cuts" I nodded and carried on, cutting his back when he least expected it.

Day 8:

This was the last day of training which I had with the hacker of the group so I guessed he would teach me hacking. I was wrong.

"my role is short distance fighting, so today I'll show you how to use your fists" mingi said and the thing is I knew how to fight, I was homeless I needed to know know how to protect myself.

I used to have a stratidgy where I would pretend to be tierd and weak, when they least expected it, I would attack just like i did with mingi. Guess he'll be visiting San today.

Day 9:

"you done a great job Ari, we are all proud of you" hongjoong said opening the champagne and pouring it into 9 glasses.

"I'm proud of you" yeosang said hugging me side ways and giving me a cute kiss on the cheek.

"Ari is officially a member of ateez"
Hongjoing said raising his glass. "Ari your role is the faker" he said placing a hand on my shoulder "I realised that when you fight, you pretend to be weak which gives you a good opportunity to attack, well done Ari".

"now let's go through the plan of killing seok" hongjoong mentioned and partying was over.


Sorry that this chapter is so long but I hope you like it <3

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