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When Jon saw that Troy kept staring at me he went up to him. And he didn't look to happy.

"Troy. What do you think your doing. Staring at Kira like you are still dating her!" Jon said aproaching Troy.

"Well I think I am looking at her because she is the mother of my daughter. And why are you so interested? It's not your kid." He said.

"Don't you think that I know. But you walked out of her life. You didn't want to deal with the responsability of a baby.'' Jon shouted. Now the whole comuns were looking at them.

"Yes but you arn't either. Your just with her because you feel bad for her. You don't really like her. I don't want my daughter to have her mother being with a jock. Or even her stepdad being a football player." Troy said getting up and walking away.

I couldn't believe what I heard. All of the football players came over to me to cheer me up.

"Kira don't listen to him. He's just jealous because you are wanting to be with Jon and not him. He just wishes he can be with you." Steven Spielberg said giving me a hug.

I hug him back. Half of the football player's were also in Village Green. The dances that we do, are choreographed by Jon and I. When other people do it, they make sure that I can be able to do it. If I can't then the teacher gives me the leading solo.

"Stevie is right Kira. Don't listen to Troy." Meghan Ross from Concert Choir said.

"Thanks guys. I feel so much better. I'm gonna go practice in the choir practice rooms." I said walking away.

Teen MomOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora