Chapter 14 Start Of Something New

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  I have been so busy my junior year. With recording my music, school work, and being a mom. I have camera's fallowing me everywhere. For sixteen and pregnant. Its a lot of stress. Having to juggle all of this. But I found a way to make it all work.

Rydel is now four months old. Its July 3rd. The best thing thats happened to me this year, was my daughter Rydel. She is a sweet girl who is always happy.

"Hey, Kira. How are you?" A familiar voice calls after me. I turn around and see my sister Jacky walking up to me.

"Hey Jacky. I'm doing good. Just been extremly busy with all of this." I said writing song lyrics and holding Rydel. Trying to put her to sleep.

"Do you need any help? I can watch Rydel." She said taking Rydel to put her to sleep.

"Thanks. But I think I'll have you hold her right now." I said laughing. She joined in then Rydel started to laugh.

Seeing my daughter so happy is a really posative thing for me. I remember when she was born. She's my mirical baby. When I was involved in the accident I got her. I love her. I'm not gonna change having her in my life for anything.

The next day at school was my assembly for the school. I was gonna announce a big secret, well a few anyway. But I was gonna have Christina, Mr. Cullen and Brittney help me as well. Brittney would bring out Rydel, while Mr. Cullen was helping in other ways.

"So Kira, are you ready to tell your school about your career as the new multi genre princess?" Christina asks.

"Yes. I'm ready to tell them. I'm gonna start by being in the bleachers. From there I'm gonna start singing Who Said by Miley Cyrus. Then talk about my music career." I explained.

"I'm glad you were on my team. And I bet you that Mr. Cullen is glad that you are in his choir classes." She said hugging me.

I look over and I see Rydel. She was fast asleep in her car seat. In most ways thinking of Jonathan, she reminds me of his cute, and sweet way of how he slept on my lap. While other times he put his head on my chest.

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