Chapter 22 Troy

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As Jon, Rydel and I get back to our home in Michigan I notice a familiar looking truck. It's Troy's truck. Why was he here? We walk up to our front porch and see Troy sitting on the steps waiting for me.

"What do you want Troy!" I demand.

"You and I need to talk." He said. Taking me away from Jon and Rydel.

"Why are you here." I said again.

"Give me one reason why you have our daughter calling Jon her dad? I'm her dad." He said.

"Your only wanting to be around her when you want to be. Wanna see her. Fine. Jon bring her over here." I call out.

"What is it babe?" He asked.

"Rydel. This is your real daddy. You are a special baby because your gonna have two daddies after I marry him." I explained to her.

"I have two daddies?" She asked.

"Yes." Troy had said.

"Do you wanna be with your daddy for a while?" I ask her.

She nodded her head.

"I'll be at your place at five Troy. If your not there then I am calling the police." I had said.

He didn't know this but I had put a tracking device in Rydel's clothing when she started crawling. The chips are washable.

"Ok. I'll keep her safe. Is she allergic to anything?" He asked.

"I'll text you." I had said before walking away.

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