Chapter 27 Teen Mom 3; Season Two Interview

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"Welcome back Teen Mom Three fans. We are here with our four teen moms. Who are now adults. Now, I have Kira here. Now, Kira, how have you been?" The producer Taylor asks.

"I've been good. A bit busy." I said laughing.

"Ya I heard. How has your hubby Jon doing? Because I bet all these girls in the crowed want to know." Taylor said looking to the crowed.

The audience was cheering.

"He's doing good. We actually went on another honeymoon a few weeks ago." I said smiling.

"Do you have any pictures?" Taylor asked.

"Actually I do. I brought some with me." I said and I looked at the big screen with me.

It was a picture of Jon and I at the beach in Hawaii. Jon and I were wearing our bathing suits. I wore a one piece. I only wear them to make a point to guys who only like girls who wear bikinis.

"Oh my god Kira. You and Jon look beautiful." Taylor and the audience were in ah.

"Thank you. We left Rydel at Jon's house." I said blushing.

"Well, I bet all the girls are jealous of you and Jon. And how you two are raising such a beautiful daughter. Am I right ladies?" She asked.

The girls were clapping.

"Yeah I bet. I always chase the girls off. When I was with Rydel's real father Troy, he was flirting with other girls. He was my first love. He had me thinking that I was gonna be with him forever." I explained.

"Well he's gonna be here in the season. What do you think?" She asked with a questioning look.

"Its ok. I'm just hoping that he doesn't start saying crap about me." I told her.

"Don't worry. The producers made sure he didn't say anything." She was sounding so promising.

"I hope so." I was sounding concerned.

"We will be right back with Rachel, Pheobe and Kyley. Our other teen mom's." Taylor said.

Kyley and I got pregnant around the same time. And gave birth around the same time.

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