Chapter 34 Surprises part 2

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Later that day I decided to tell Rydel and Jon my secret. I hope that they are excited.

"I'm gonna be a big sister?" Rydel said excitedly.

"Yes Ry. Your gonna be a big sister." I said smiling.

Her and Jon both came over to me and hugged me. Both were really happy about me being pregnant. Rydel's been asking me about her being a big sister. But I didn't want them both to realize how scared I am. I had Rydel with Troy. Now I'm having another baby with Jon. I am so scared. Troy and I were gonna have a family.

Nobody other then Kyley has been hearing or read my texts to each other. I tell Kyley the fact that I still miss Troy. She has been comforting me. But I honestly don't know what to do about him.

"Hey Kira. How are you feeling?" The executive producer Angelina asks coming into my room.

  "To be honest. I don't know. I thought I'd be excited to have another baby on the way. But I'm not. I miss Troy. Him and I still talk. Jon knows I talk to the father of my child. But sometimes I wish we could get back together. I miss him so much." I said trying not to cry.

"Its hard. I'm still not over my first relationship. But I decided to not get into things." She said.

"Yeah I know. I just keep everything bottled up. I was always getting told I need help. But I never got the help because I'm not willing to see my problem. So I stay bottled up." I said.

"I understand. Don't worry about guys. Otherwise you'll find what's convenient. Not what's right. Just think. I'm closest with you more then the others." Angelina said hugging me.

"I love Jon. But my head says go to Troy." I said turning red.

"Relax ok? Everything's going to unfold as it should honey." She said.

"How am I going to decide though?" I ask.

"Well, nobody's out for you. You are. It's your job. Don't settle. Remember how happy you are with Jon. And stick to that." She tilted my head up as she said that.

"So I wait?" I ask sipping on my water.


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