Chapter 15 Assembly Time

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  It's time for the assembly. I go to the bleachers with my micraphone headset on. I hid it perfectly well behind my sholder length curly blonde hair that is starting to become dirty blonde. But i went and sat with my classmates in Mrs. Pond's and Mr. Thompson's special ed classes.

  As I get up there and take my seat the assembly begins. So I sit by the aisle. As I look up I notice a slide show. I know I go after that. So I turn on my micraphone. So I can be able to sing. 

  "Now, I have some suprises for you." Mr. Cullen says after the slide show.

I start to sing.

  I've always been the kind of girl. That hid my face. So afraid to tell the world what I've got to say.

After I finish the whole school claps and cheers. Mr. Cullen told them what's happened over the past few weeks. How I have become a finalest on The Voice.

"Now. Veronica also has something to show you guys." Mr. Cullen said.

"Yes. Brittney. Can you bring her out here please?" I call to her.

She brings out Rydel and hands her to me. She is wide awake now.

"This, is my daughter Rydel Jona Green. She was born on my birthday. The week Jon died I thought my life was coming to an end. I thought that my daughter wasn't gonna make it. Doctors told me she had a ten to twenty-five percent chance of making it. Then I lost Jon. Anyway, now because of Jon and all of you,  I am now a pop princess." I said smiling.

Everyone was cheering. I saw a few people with tears in there eyes. Even the guys who were on the Football team with Jon. Only I knew the secret of Jon being alive.

"There is also another thing I need to show you." I said walking over to the presentation head.

I get on my skype and skype Jon. And heanswers.

"Hey Kira. Wait are you at school?" He asks.

"Yes. You need to tell the truth Jon. I don't like keeping secrets." I said to him.

  He explained to everyone what had happened. Everyone understood and forgave him. So he decided to come back.

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