Chapter 41 Ending To Teen Mom

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"The Teen Mom cast has had a rough season. But these three girls are doing great. Pheobe, what's your take on this past season?" Debra the production assistance asked.

"Well we got really close. Our kids have gotten along really well with each other. I know that Isabella has been asking about Riker." She said laughing.

"Oh right. Kira, you had your son Riker. How have things been going?" Asks Debra.

"Fine. Riker is an amazing kid to be around. He's gonna be getting a taste of my music career in a few days." I explained.

"Kyley, Pheobe what do you two think about Kira doing this music career with two children at twenty-two?" Debra asks looking at them.

"It doesn't really matter. If she wants to do that she can. It's not like she's just doing it for no reason. It's been a dream of hers. She loves to sing. It's n really none of MTV'S business because they aren't in charge of what she can do with her music career." Pheobe said.

I look at her and smile.

"I agree with Pheobe. Kira is also found it because she wants to help Teen Mom get some more views." Kyley said.

After our interview I had to get out to L.A. for my recording. It's been a long time since I've been there. My record label hasn't seen the teen mom show. So they don't know about Riker. I'm really excited to show him off.

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