Chapter 30 Teen Mom's Pheobe

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-----Pheobe and Isabella--Tennessee-----

"Isabella. Are you ready to go see daddy?" Pheobe asks her three year old daughter.

"Yes I'm ready mommy. Mommy, I get to see Mimi and Papa." Isabella said running from her bedroom in there two story house.

"Really? Does daddy live with Mimi and Papa?" Pheobe asks going to her knees.

"Yes. He said that he didn't want to live with Ariel yet. So he's living with Mimi and Papa." She said.

"And are all packed for Mimi and Papa's house then?" She asks.

"No I can't find my swimsuit mommy." Isabella said dragging Peobe to her room.

"That's because I put your swimsuit in your closet sweetie." Pheobe said grabbing it from the top drawer.

"Thank you mommy. Now I'm ready." Isabella said getting her suitcase and running to the door.

As they were driving, Pheobe got a call from Isabella's dad Ryan. They broke up after Isabella was a year old. They were planning Isabella's birthday party next week.

"Hey Ryan." Pheobe said.

"Hey Pheobe. Where y'all at?" He asked.

"We are probably about a mile or two away from your parents house." She answered.

"Ok. Because I want to talk to you about that thing you read in the paper about that tractor." He said. That's the code for Izzy's birthday party.

"Ok. That way Izzy can talk to your parents and show them the bear her and I made." Pheobe  responded.

"Ok. I'll see you in a few minutes. See you in a minute." He said.

"Ok. See you in a few." She then hung up.

As she pulled up into Ryan's parents driveway  she saw Ryan in the garage with his dad working on his car. His mom walks out of the house to greet her. His mom Samantha loves Pheobe. But she thinks that Ryan should grow up a little bit. She still talks to Pheobe and sends pictures from Izzy's party's or anything else.

"Hey Pheobe. Hey Izzy." Samantha said.

"Hey Samantha." I said.

"Hey Mimi. Look what mommy and me made." Izzy said.

"That's such a pretty bear. What's it's name?" Sam asked.

"Her name is Mrs. Bear." Izzy said smilies.

"Let's go show her to your other teddy bears." Sam said taking the suitcase.

"Hey Phebs." Ryan said walking up to me.

"Hey. Here's the list you had me write. I don't know what else to do. Text me later." I said then walked away.

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