Chapter 19 Jon's and my graduation

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Before anyone asks. Jon and I did online school when traveling. But when we had choir concerts at school, we focused on only that particular one. When on tour we focused on choir AND the tour.

But we both managed to graduate from school with high honers. I got the gold cord and same with Jon. We both walked down the aisle together.

Congratulations To The Class of 2016 You are now officially a graduate of Greenville High School. (yes I know it's only 2015. But 2016 is my real graduation year. So sorry bout that.)

Jon and I went to our Open house afterwards. As we arrived I recognize a vehicle. It was Troy's Ford Truck.

"Jon. Stop the car right now!" I said angrily.

"Why? What's wrong?" He kept asking.

"Just do it Jonathan." I demand. So he did.

As I get out of the car I walked to the truck and knocked so hard on the window. Troy was on his phone. He looked up and opened the door.

"What the hell do you want Troy! I told you not to come near MY daughter!" I said yelling.

"I came to take her for the weekend." He said.

"You are not taking her anywhere. I don't even want you near her." I was walking away as I said it.

"Kira. Is he bothering you?" My brothers ask me.

"Yes Nathan. He thinks He's gonna take MY daughter for the weekend." I yelled slamming the car door.

Nathan walks to the car and takes Rydel into the house. He locked the doors and windows behind him.

"Hey Troy. Just leave man. Can't you see we aren't gonna give you our daughter?" Jon yelled.

"What makes you think your gonna be her dad Jon? I'm her real dad. And I am gonna fight for her." He yelled back. He speed off of our property.

I called the police afterwards. So they are taking care of it.

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