Chapter 7 Remembering Jon

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It's been two weeks since the accident. My friends have been ignoring me. They blame me for Jon's death. They say that I told the doctor's I wanted him dead.

"Hey Kira. How are you doing?" Mr. Cullen my choir teacher asks coming over to give me a hug.

"I'm doing ok. I really miss Jon though." I said trying not to cry. But I broke down.

"Kira. It's going to be ok. You'll have your daughter Rydel. She's going to remind you so much of Jon. Trust me. She has his eyes." He said taking Rydel out of her stroller.

"She cries every night. I sing to her like Jon did to me since seventh grade." I said.

As we were talking, Mr. Cullen's daughter Brittney and her boyfriend Aaran walk in. Brittney walks over and hugs me. Brittney and I started to become friends Jon and my freshmen year. So she knows me well.

"Can I hold Rydel?" She asks.

"Yes." I replied. She walks over to Rydel.

Rydel looks like Jon did when he was a baby. A chubby little thing. I am gonna introduce her to the things Jon liked. So I can have more memories.

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