Chapter 20 Rydel

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Rydel is a real good kid to have around. She brightens up the room with her smile and laugh. Being a teen mom is hard. And nobody thinks twice about it. The teens who get pregnant in high school are always being looked down upon. Their peers always think they won't graduate High School. Or even get into a college. Well I got a scholarship to Juilliard. Jon did to.

"Jon. We need a plan for Ry." I said packing up my stuff to leave.

"I know we do. But what will we do for her?" He asked.

"Well. She's gonna be with my Aunt Ruthie and Uncle Doug for Monday, Tuesday and Friday. So Wednesday and Thursday I'll put her in daycare. That way we don't have to worry about it. Unless my Aunt Karen and Uncle Paul wanna be able to see her and watch her babe." I said.

"That's a good idea. But what will happen if they don't?" He asked.

"Well Daycare." I replied with a sarcastic voice.

"What do you think babe?" He asked holding up Rydels pink bunny shirt.

"Babe. That's cute. But it's so adorable On Rydel. Not you. You look way better without a shirt on. And shorts." I said smiling.

"Well I do like showing you how much I work out. And seeing the way you stare at me without a shirt on." He said watching me blush.

"I don't stare." I said packing Rydels bags.

"You do. Besides. I like seeing you in your gold tank top and your short shorts." He said coming behind me and hugging me.

"I gotta pack Rydel's things babe." I said turning around in his arms.

"Ok. I'll pack our things." Jon replied as he went to our dresser.

A little while later we were in the car.

"Ry, do you wanna listen to your CD?" Jon and I ask together.

"Ya." She said.

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