Chapter 29 Teen Mom

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-------Kyley and Asher----Michigan----

"Preston. Where's Asher?" Kyley asks looking in the living room closet.

"He's in our room in our closet. He didn't think I knew he was in there." He said laughing.

"Ok. I'll go look in our closet." Kyle said in an annoyed voice.

She went into her room and found Asher jumping on her bed. He had some of her stuff laying out on the bed.

"Asher! What in the world are you doing?!?!" Kyley demanded.

"I wanted to surprise you mommy." He said.

"Go to your dad." Kyley pointed downstairs.

I warned Kyley this was gonna be hard. But I told her to call me if she needed anything. Like help.

"Hey Kira." Kyley said.

"Hey Kyley. I know that tone Kyley. What's wrong?" I ask her over the phone.

"Asher's getting into things now. I just called to see how Ry's doing. I saw on Twitter she went to the hospital." Kyley explains.

"Yeah. She had a small seasure." I told her.

"Will she be ok?" Kyley asks.

"Yeah. She only gets them if her temperature gets above 120°." I said.

"I'll let you go. Preston needs me." Kyley says.

"Yeah Jon needs me to. Talk to you later." I said.

"Kyley? Why was Asher getting things out of our closet?" Preston asks.

"Ask him why." She said then went to bed.

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