Chapter 31 Rachel and Logan

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-----Rachel and Logan----Tennessee----

"Logan wanna go to the store?" Rachel asks.

"No. I don't like going to the store!" He screeched.

"Don't make me get.your dad." Rachel said running after him as he ran and hid.

"Rachel? Where are you?" Callum calls out to her. 

"I'm in our room looking for our son! He says he doesn't want to go to the store." She yelled back.

"If he doesn't want to I'll stay home with him. You shouldn't force him to do things like that." He said.

"He has to get out of the house. Even if he likes it or not." Rachel said trying to explain.

"I don't care. I'm staying home with him. God. You know what I'm gonna take him to see my parents." He said.

"Um yeah I don't think you are. Your parents hate me!" She yelled.

"Yeah because you act like this. I actually have been thinking about this for a while now. Rachel we're over." Callum said taking Logan and leaving.

Rachel was crying. She went into her room and started throwing away everything he gave her.

"Rachel? Are you ok honey?" The executive producer Angelina asked her after going into her room?

"No. I'm not. Callum took our son. I wasn't doing anything wrong Angelina.

"Honey, your always trying to control people. That's what Kira and Jon were telling me." She said.

"Why did you tell you tell me it was because they didn't want me around?" Rachel asked.

"That's another reason why. I'm gonna go. I am gotta drive to Michigan." She said walking away.

After Angelina left Rachel was crying so much she went to take a pain killer. But instead of taking one, she took the whole bottle at once. A few hours later Callum came back.

"Rachel? Are you here?" Callum calls out asking for Rachel.

He couldn't hear anything or anyone. So he went to get his and Logan's things with his dad, brother and Logan.

"CALLUM!!!!!" Callum's dad Jeremy screams.

Callum leaves Logan in Logan's room with his brother Scott. Then he ran to his room and saw Rachel laying on the bed unconscious. He didn't know if she was alive or dead.

"Help me please. My son's mom isn't waking up. I came to get my things to move out. My dad found her unconscious! Please send an ambulance quickly! Please!" Callum said crying.

The ambulance hurries to the house. But Rachel didn't make it. She died on the way to the hospital. Callum had no idea how he was gonna tell Logan that he wasn't gonna see his  mother again. Or that she's never gonna wake up again.

"Callum?" His dad asks.

"Yeah." Callum says back.

"It's gonna be ok. I  never expected that she was gonna do this kind of thing. But she was suicidal." Jeremy said.

"I know. I just don't know how to tell my son." He said.

"Well. Your mother and I will help you tell Logan." Jeremy said hugging Callum.

As they got back to Rachel's house, Jeremy and Callum found Logan and Callum's mom Dereena and brother Scott at the table. Scott and Derrena were crying. But Logan was smiling at the table coloring.

"Daddy. Where's mommy?" Logan asked.

"Lets go to your room buddy. Grandma will come with us." Callum said trying to fight the tears.

"Daddy. Why are you and grandma crying?" Logan asked.

"Honey. Daddy and I are crying because your mommy's not coming home." Dereena said.

"I don't understand." Logan said.

"What she means is, mommy died when we were going to grandma and grandpa's house." Callum said.

"Why'd she do that?" Logan said.

"She was sad because I had to leave. I broke up with her." Callum said walking up and leaving.

"Logan. Why don't you get some of your mothers things to keep." Derrena said grabbing Rachel's backpack and suitcases.

"I can put anything I want in those?" He asked.

"Anything you want. Same thing with the backpack. I'll go pack up all your things. Want any of mommy's perfume so you can know what she smelled like?" She asked.

"Can you put them in her special boxes?" Logan handed her the special black and white box.

Everyone was packing up there things. Callum, his clothing and tools. Scott, food. Jeremy, his books Rachel borrowed, Derrena packed up ALL of Logan's things in his room with Scott's help. And Logan packed up all the things he wanted to keep that was his mother's.

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