Chapter 8 Troy's Graduation

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Yes it's true. Troy and I are an on and off again couple. He steped up as a dad. He got an apartment for us so Rydel and I can go visit him on the weekends. That way he can be a better dad to Rydel.

"Don't be stupid Kira. Rydel is too good for you. Like I told Troy, you should have given her up." Troy's mom said.

  She hasn't liked me since I got pregnant. I don't get why she hates me. After all, I do actually blame her for Jon's death. That vehical that hit us? It had her company's name on it. And her picture.

  "Well that really isn't your desision now is it Tara. Your just going to get over it. You baby him, and when he goes out and finds a place, your never gonna let him go." I said as I see Troy walking over.

  He is smiling. He's really happy that he graduated.

"Hey sweetie. Hey baby girl." He said hugging me and picking Rydel up out of her carseat.

"Troy, do you honestly believe that you can get your own place? And raise a baby?" His mom asked.

"Mom. Not here. This is MY day. You are ruining it by starting this. And I told you before we came here. Not in front of my daughter." Troy said.

His mom walks away. Mumbling to herself.

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