The Final Problem (Part 5)

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"Hello?" The little girl from the plane called out.

Sherlock, who was lying unconscious face-down on a table, gasped as he awoke. An instant pounding in his head caused him to groan as he pushed himself up on one arm.

"Hello? Are you still there?" She asked.

The detective realized that her voice was being fed directly into his ear. Eurus had given him an earpiece.

"Yes. Yeah; no, I'm-I'm still here. I'm here," He said, his voice coming out weakly since he had just woken up. As he sat up, he also realized that he was now wearing his signature coat.

'Made a stop at Baker Street, I see.'

The girl spoke again, clearly upset and still frightened. "You went away. You said you'd help me, and you went away."

"Yes, I know." Sherlock observed the area while talking. "Well, I'm sorry about that. We-we-we must have got cut off. Um..." He squeezed his eyes shut and shook his head, trying to clear his mind of the tranquilizer Eurus had used on him. "How-how-how long was I away?"

"Hours," The girl answered. "Hours and hours. Why don't grown-ups tell the truth?"

"No, I-I am telling the truth. You can trust me."

"Where did you go?"

Sherlock looked to the ceiling above him, noticing the metal grille in the center that allowed him a view of the sky above. He could see the full moon despite the clouds that drifted through the sky.

"I'm not completely sure," He answered, slowly sliding off the table. "Um, now, I tell you what. You-you've got to be really, really brave for me." He bent down and picked up a lit lantern that was resting on the ground. "Can you go to the front of the plane? Can you do that?" He started walking towards one of the walls that had pictures taped up.

"The front?" The girl asked.

"Yes. That's right. The front."

Sherlock shined the light over the photographs. Most of them were of him, but others contained other members of his family. He even noticed one with you in the background, causing a fluttering feeling in his stomach.

"You mean where the driver is?" The little girl questioned.

"Yes, that's it," Sherlock confirmed.

"Okay. I'm going."

Sherlock continued to walk along the wall, observing the pictures. After a minute, he called out to the girl again. "Are you there yet?"

The little girl was not the one to answer him. A more familiar voice filled his ear instead. "Yeah, I'm here."

John had jerked awake at the sound of Sherlock's voice, for he too had been given an earpiece. He stood up quickly and then looked down, finding himself waist-deep in water.

"John!" Sherlock was very relieved to hear his friend's voice.

"Yeah," John responded, confusion evident in his voice.

"Where are you?" Sherlock asked.

"I don't know," John answered, looking around him. "I've just woken up. Where are you?"

"I'm in another cell. I just spoke to the girl on the plane again. We've been out for hours."

"What, she's still up there?"

"Yes," Sherlock answered. "The plane will keep flying until it runs out of fuel." The two of them continued to observe their surroundings. "Is Mycroft with you?"

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