1. New School

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Hey, I'm Cassie James. Name sound familiar? Well, I do model in multiple fashion weeks, including New York's, Paris', Milan's, etc. And I'm only 16, almost 17. I've been a model for a couple years now, being 5 ft 10 and having a naturally fair complection, thank god. There's so many benefits to being a model, like money, fans, traveling. But there's also disadvantages too, like fake friends and boys who only want you for your body.

Anyways, fashion week season is now over, and it's time for me to go back to school. My parents, who I'd call guardians more then parents because I never see them unless it's when I get my paycheck that I have to split with them, just used my money to buy a new beachfront house in Australia. Big change from back home in the states.

Today I'm starting my first day of school in Sydney, Australia. The temperature here is almost always perfect, and I admit I've been in love with this place since I got here only 4 days ago. My parents wanted to get me into school right away so they could have the house to themselves, throwing grown-up parties and whatnot.

I get out of my white bed and slide across the white wooden floorboards with my athletic socks, really the only kinds I wear. I go into my walk-in closet that's fully stocked with summer clothes since it's so warm here and slip on bright green denim shorts and color-matching bra, a black Jack Daniels tank top, and black hightop converse. Brushing my hair, I walk into my connected bathroom and decided to just leave my blue hair in its natural beach waves. I dyed my hip-length brown hair as soon as we got to Australia, as kind of a revolt against my parents for making us move, and in all honesty I really liked it. It made my grey eyes and tan skin pop majorly. I put black liquad eyeliner, mascara, and a few bracelets and all my earrings in. I have 5 earrings on one ear and 8 on the other. I kinda love piercings. I've always wanted either my lip, nose, or eyebrow pierced, but highly wanted models can only have their ears pierced, so boo.

After I'm done brushing my teeth and putting my contacts in, I grab my black, purple, and green striped backpack and my white galaxy s4 and run downstairs. Of course, my parents already left for work. Is money all that matters to them?

I grab a granola bar for breakfast and my keys to my white Mustang GT 2013. My favorite thing about this car is that the roof is almost all black glass, and it does look pretty badass. I get in my car, throwing my bag in the backseat, and drive off to my new school.

I get there in about 15 minutes and there's students everywhere. Tan boys in muscles tanks, jocks, girls hardly wearing clothes in the warm weather. I park the car and get out, hopefully nobody will recognize me with my new hair. I reach in the backseat to grab my backpack, when a hand grabs my arse from behind me. I quickly turn around and slap the guy across the face, noting his black and purple hair and very pale skin. He holds his hand up to the red mark I made on his cheek and I see his friends laughing about what just happenes behind him.

"Don't do that!" I said because I couldn't think of anything else to say.

"What? This?" He reached around me and tried to grab my ass again, but I smacked the other side of his face before he could.

"Damn! You've got an arm babe!"

"Leave me alone." I scoff amd start walking towards the school.

"Hey, wait up!" I just keep walking until I feel a presence next to me. I look up and it's the dirty blonde haired boy with a perfect smile that was standing behind the arse-grabber. Ooh he's kinda adorable.

"Can I help you?" I ask after he just stares at me for a while as we walk.

"You're Cassie James, aren't you?" I hesitantly nod. "No way! I knew it! I'm sorry about Michael by the way, he can't be controlled around beautiful girls."

I try not to blush at the fact this cute Australian boy just called me beautiful.  "Michael's the ass-grabber, yeah?"

He laughs. "Yeah, yeah he is. I'm Ashton," he sticks his hand out. "And I'm a big fan."

"Cassie," I smile. "And thanks. But you might want to tell your friend that if he ever tries anything like that again, I won't hesitate to slap him again."

"Oh I think he got the message! That was awesome!" he laughs. "Hey, can I ask you something?"


"Why'd you dye your hair blue? I mean it looks great, hot actually, but I was just wondering."

I blush. "Uh well, I was kind of rebelling against my parents I guess. I didn't want to move, and they only care about my modeling so I did something that would effect that. I no londer have their perfect image." I can't believe I told him all that.

"Wow. Sounds kinda harsh. Anyways what classes do you have?"

"Shit. Where's the office? I was supposed to get my schedule and locker before school." I'm so air-headed sometimes.

"I'll take you! Class doesn't start for another ten minutes anyways. And I'd love to spend more time with my best friend's celebrity crush. Luke will be sooo jealous!" Awhh, I'm somebody's celebrity crush.

"Who's Luke?" I ask aa we switch directions, probably towards the office.

"He's one of my best mates." Ha, mates. That's so cute. "Everybody here has their own little group, ours is me, Luke, Michael, and Calum. Calum was the kiwi behind Mike. We're actually in a band too."

"That's really cool. I think I'd like to meet this Luke, since I am his 'celebrity crush'." I smile. "As long as he's not like Michael!" I quickly add.

"Oh he's not!" He laughs. "Luke gets lots of lady attention, even more then Mikey with his touchy-feely ways, but he's so oblivious he hasn't had a girlfriend in like two years. He thinks girls just find him awkward." This time I laugh.

"That's kind of adorable." I blurt as we walk inside a building labeled OFFICE.

We walk in and Ashton goes up to the lady at the desk, speaking before I can.

"Cassie James' schedule and locker please?" She looks up at him and around at me, then back to him with a questioning look. I smile at her and decide to just introduce myself since it doesn't look like she's gonna give Ashton anything.

"Hi, I'm Cassie James. Can I have my schedule please?" I basically repeat what Ashton told her. She smiles and hands me a piece of paper with my timetable and locker number on it. "Thank you."

"Um, I hate to ask but could I please get an autograph? For my daughter? She's ten and a huge fan." She slides me a blank paper and a pen.

"Sure." I sigh . I sign the paper and slide it back to her with a smile.

"Thank you! Have a great first day, Miss James!"

I wave as me and Ashton walk out and into the student-packed hallway.

"What was that all about?" he asks me as he reads over my timetable and leads me to my locker.


"You didn't seem overly excited about that autograph."

"Oh. That." I sigh.

"Yeah, That." He mimicks me.

"Well, it's not that I don't love that I have fans. I really do. It's just sometimes I feel the only reason people like me is because I'm famous. I don't know, nevermind." I shake my head. We stop at a locker and I take the paper back, opening it up and putting extra notebooks and stuff in it.

"No no, I get it. You're making sense, it's like only being liked since the wo

rld knows your name but not you."

I look up into his green/gold eyes and smile. "Exactly."

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