7. The Boss

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I have literally updated every single day this week, multiple times a day. geesh


Once I'm done in the bathroom my hair is curled in loose waves and I'm wearing a simple black lace dress, thanks to Daisy. She walked into my room while I was in the shower and said that I have to wear it to at least try and impress Will's new boss since he most likely won't be a huge fan of my blue hair. She also asked why there was a guy sleeping in my bed and I just told her the truth.

"He's the son of Will's boss." And that got her off my back. She literally said, "Oh! Okay then. Hope you guys had fun! Dinner is in 20." Like what ew. Ashton's hot and all but no.

I walk back into my room and see Ash still asleep so I start jumping on the bed.

"Cassie stoppp," he groaned so I started jumping faster. My foot got caught in the blankets somehow and I tripped right on top of his bare chest, tackling him.

"Really?" He finally opens one eye to look down at me. I couldn't keep in it, I bursted out laughing.

"I'm sorry, I tripped!" I say in between laughs. He just stares at me for a bit, then starts laughing too. He has such cute dimples awh.

"Stop starring at me." How dare he.

"You stop starring at me!"

"I wasn't! You were at me!" He argued.

"Whatever! I don't even know what you're talking about." I roll off of him and onto the floor, picking up his black t-shirt and throwing it at him. Then I spot his black skinny jeans on the floor too.

"Ashton! Were you really just laying in bed with me only wearing your underwear on?!"

He chuckles. "Yeah, but I don't see why that's a problem considering just last night you laid with Luke in bed...stark naked. No, actually you guys were attached naked, like naked body on naked bod-"

"Ashton!" I cut his discusting mind off.

"What?" He smirks. That little shit.

"Shut up!"

"Fine!" He mimics me.

"I'm going down to dinner." I sigh, walking out.

"I'll be down in 5," he calls to me.

What a boy.

Once I get downstairs I see we already have guests in the dining room and Daisy is just putting her 'homemade' pot roast and potatoes on the table. Yuck.

"Cassie! Finally! George, this is our daughter Cassie. Cassie, this is my boss Mr. Irwin and his family." He gives me a look, like 'mess this up and you'll regret it'. Yeah yeah.

"Hi! It's nice to meet you Mr. Irwin," I go over and shake the business-looking man's hand. He actually looks really nice and a ton like ashton.

"You too! Please call me George. This is my wife Anne-Marie, and my son Harry. I have another son Ashton, but I do believe you've already met him." He chuckles.

I like him already. Maybe this dinner won't be so bad after all.

"Okay George-" I get cut off by my dad clearing his throat then shaking his head at me. "-uh Mr. Irwin. Nice to meet you all." I sit down on the other side of the table, next to Harry and an empty seat.

"I'm here!" Ashton comes into the room now fully dressed, sitting down next to me. While Ash was introducing himself to my parents and saying hello to his, I zoned out as I put some mashed potatoes and gravy on my plate since the rest of the food looks nasty. Daisy doesn't really know how to cook, hence why we have a maid that's usually here.

Dinner goes by slowly, with dads talking business and moms talking recipes, which is highly hilarious since Daisy knows nothing. I talked to Harry a little and he's quite adorable. He absolutely loves trains. Ashton occasionally joined in on our dads conversation since his dad was so nice and seemed to love him immensely, but he was mostly messing with me and Harry. He would not stop bringing up Luke or making dirty jokes that reminded me of last night.

After dinner we had dessert, a cheesecake that Daisy bought, and then the Irwins all went home, Ash making me promise to text him later.

I was starting to walk up the stairs to my room when Daisy surprising stopped me.

"So Cassie, you like this boy Ashton?"

"Uh yeah?" What is she getting at?

"Well his parents sure seem to like you, so I was thinking. Maybe you should go out with him?" What? I don't think so.


"I'm just going to be blunt here." She sighs as if I'm too daft for her. "I think it'd be good for your dad's job if you were to date his boss's son. If they liked you, it could get your dad things like promotions and raises. So you're going to go on a date with him."

"Excuse me? No I'm not, You can't make me do anything." Who does she think she is?

"Yes I can and that's final. I'll set everything up, now stop complaining and go to your room. We are done talking about this!"

What the hell?! I stomp up the steps and into my room, slamming the door. I cannot believe this! She can't tell me what to do! I don't want to go out with Ashton, I like Luke! I want Luke!

Wait...I like Luke?


Hope you liike.

€ass x

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