35. Dork

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Somebody ate my fucking ice cream oh my fuck
Short random chapter because I've been in a college class for two weeks and only have one more day before I can update more


Monday. Let me drown in my miserable heart's tears.

As I walk through the front doors of school with Luke's arm wrapped around my shoulders, I begin to feel even sicker than I did earlier. For some reason I just keep feeling worse. Most of it was physical, but part of me was waiting for the horrible confrontation with Ashley. Has she told anyone yet? Is everyone going to treat me differently?

"You okay?" Luke whispers through my newly white hair to my ear, giving me chills as always. How is it possible our spark only grows?

I just nod and give him a gentle smile before leaning my head on his shoulder and taking us to my locker. Quite a few people starred but there was no more whispering than usual for the most part. Maybe she hadn't screamed it to the world yet.

After I finally got back to Jack's last night, the boys started asking all sorts of questions like "How did you find out?" and "Have you told anyone yet?" I explained to them how Ashley found out but said I think it should be just our little secret for now, just until we figure everything out. What I didn't tell them was how we shouldn't spread it in case I have a possible, highly-chanced miscarriage. I just don't know how to tell them, especially Luke, that I could easily lose this baby. I know they deserve to know but they don't have to right at this very moment. I'll tell them once I figure out how to. I can handle the weight by myself for now. I hope.

Luke grabbed my arm before we walked down the hallway after stopping at our lockers. I turned around and raised my eyebrows at him.

"Hey uh, I drank a shit load of orange juice this morning."

I just giggled and starred at him. What about it?

"And I really have to piss."

"I hate that word!" I cringe just hearing it.


"Stop saying it!"

"Sorry," He laughs. "I really have to wee."

I burst into loud laughter and he quickly covers my mouth and pulls me close to him, wobbling and smiling as he looks around at everyone now starring.

"Now what's wrong with the word wee?" He looks down at me with his Cheshire grin and I started laughing again after he removed his hand.

"It's funny."

He chuckles and shakes his head before releasing me.

"Well fine, I need to pee. Is that better?"

I just shrug with a smile still on my face. He can put me in such a better mood.

"K well i'm gonna go..." He takes a few steps back but doesn't leave when I don't say anything. "To the bathroom."

I look to my right, to my left, then back to him with a weird face.


I slowly nod. What is he doing?

"You're a dork, just go." I push him lightly, giggling through my words.

"Give me a kiss first!"

"Don't tell me what to do." I tease.


"Kiss yourself!"

"I would if I could, trust me."

I scoff at his joke as he smirks. "Now I'm not kissing you."

"But I need one!"

"I got ya bud!" Mikey comes up by Luke and slaps a kiss to his cheek while I laugh.

"Hey! I want one!" I fake whine and Michael starts walking towards me until Luke pulls him back by his ripped band bro tank.

"Not from you." Luke threatens, but before he could get to me I feel a pair of lips on both sides of my face.

"From us!" Ashton hurrahs as Calum snickers.

"I hate you all." Luke grumbles and starts walking away. Before he gets too far I run up to him, trying to kiss his cheek and get the outside corner of his soft lips, then run back to the boys before he can get me. He just laughs and stares at me as if in wonder or amazement until he enters the restroom. Why would anybody look at me like that?

The boys and I walked into class and take our usual seats in the back corner.



"SORry, didn't mean to shout. The author must have accidentally hit caps lock and thought it would be funny to just leave it. Idiot." He rolls his eyes. "Anyways, I heard Ashley isn't coming in today. Drank way too much last night and fucked too many guys or something. At least that's what Aaron said." He shrugged and I let out a big breath. "What're you going to do once everyone does find out though?"

"Ash, I need to talk to you about something. Involving," I looked down, then back up. "That."

Luckily the other boys were in their own conversation so they couldn't hear ours.

"Is everything alright?" He got all worried. He really is such an amazing friend.

"Uh, will your parents be home after school?" I ignored his question because frankly, I don't know the answer.

"Nope, not til late. Wanna come over?"

I just nod and he tries to give me a small reassuring smile before turning back around to face the boys who just started talking to him about some music thing.

I think I'm safe for today, but what about tomorrow? Or the next day? What if I loose the baby before I even get the chance to tell someone that I found out it's a huge possibility? What about Luke's parents? How are they going to react?

Oh my god... his parents don't even know yet!



Oh my fuck I fucking found more ice cream

Have a great day. And if you don't want to, then just have a day

€ass ×

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