36. Ring

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If you're lost in life go follow crystaliseluke and read her Luke fanfic Never Let Me Go because even if you're lost might as well be entertained along the way am I right

It's been some of those days where everything just sucks and I'm just so sad and unmotivated and I don't wanna be but I am

I need a couple people to talk to babes let's all be friends, who's in

"Luke! Luke Luke Luke-"

"Whaaaat," he whines as he falls into his desk by mine.

"Your parents."

"What about them?"

"They need to know!" Oh my god they're going to hate me so much. Even though I'm technically not the one who asked for it every night if you know what I mean.

His eyes get big and he gulps before whispering, "Shit."

"When should we tell them?" He shrugs and stares at his desk so I continue my internal freakout out loud. "Well should we even tell them? Maybe I'll just disappear, yeah I'll go away for a while so you won't have to deal with this and no one else will have to know and all will be good for you I mean-"

"Woah woah woah shut the fuck up." He cuts me off, glaring. "You are not going anywhere, do you understand me? You can't ever leave me. I need you. Please." He voice got shaky and quiet towards the end and it hurt my heart.

I just nod, trying to block out all the voices swarming my throbbing head.

"Promise me." He practically begs.

"I promise." I almost whisper while starring into his serious eyes, that changed to hope as soon as I spoke.

"Wait! Promise! Oh my god, yes! Why did I not think of that before?" He shot up in his chair like he got an amazing idea and spoke mostly to himself, making me just laugh and turn towards the front of the room.

"You guys make me sick," Michael fake barfs and Calum laughs with him. I just stick my tongue out at them, and look down at the little half Luke half Cassie, made from a love stronger than anything, reassuring me everything was going to be alright one way or another.

* * *

"Thanks for letting me come over."

"Anytime Cass, what's up? You've been acting really weird all day." Ashton sits on the couch next to me and I sigh.

"I feel like I'm being crushed by this huge weight and it's not just the fact that I am pregnant and I'm a teenager and my parents kicked me out and we have yet to tell Luke's parents but there's something else that only I know and it's literally squeezing the air out of me and I can't think or sleep or or or anything-"

"Cassie hey, hey you're okay. Calm down and take a deep breath, you can do it." I shake my head while holding my breathe. I'm seriously freaking out. "Yes you can. Come on, do it with me."

He slowly inhales then exhales, and I copy him. That helped... for maybe a second.

"Good, now tell me what it is. I've got you, you're alright." He holds onto my arm comfortingly and it felt really nice. Where has Ashton been all my life? I've always needed a friend like him, everyone does.

"Well," I took another huge breath and couldn't bring myself to look into his eyes. Here goes nothing. "After we came back from the appointment, the doctor called me and asked me to come back in because he said he had some news. That's where I really went that night while you guys were hanging out." I pointed out and he just nodded, showing me he was patiently following along. "So I went in by myself because you guys just got there and I didn't want to worry Luke if it was bad news because he was just so happy that day and he deserves to be like that all the time. The doctor said that he reviewed the test results and it was bad news." I stopped and wiped my face of the slowly falling tears I just noticed. Ash was tensing up more by the second and had his eyebrows furrowed.

"There's, there's some problems and, and-" I struggle through my sentence and choke on a sob. He starts rubbing my back but doesn't take his eyes off of me.

"And what Cass? What is it?"

"There's a- a really high cha-chance that the baby might not... might not..." I stopped and finally met his eyes with my blurry ones. The worry and sadness he showed made my little strength disappear as I whispered, "Might not make it."

"Cassie? Ashton? Where are you guys?" I hear Luke's voice travel through the empty house, and a door loudly shut afterwards.

I give Ashton a questioning look but he just stares at me still stunned over what I just said. Did he know Luke was coming over? Shit I'm still crying! I furiously wipe my tears away just before Luke walks into the living room.

"There you guys are. Calum told me you'd be here babe and I wanted to surprise you." He grins and keeps one hand held behind his back, but then his smile falls after our eyes meet. "What's wrong? What happened? Ashton?" He turns toward his friend but Ashton's still looking at me.

Ashton this is not the time to dwell on the past and Luke this is not the time to adorably try to surprise me with something.

"Uh nothing, it's fine. We were just talking about something sad." I looked towards Ashton who didn't come back to reality until I nudged him.

"Oh uh yeah, really really sad." He mumbled and his eyes filled with tears. Awhh Ash, he's looks like a heartbroken little kid.

"Did your cat die again or something?" Luke guesses and a small chuckle slides off my tongue.

"Something like that, but I don't know yet." His lip quivers and I just want to hold him like a little baby, oh my god.

"You know you can just get a new one again." Luke suggests and I mentally shake my head at how oblivious he can be, but in some situations it's really helpful. Like this one.

"Well, that's all up to you Luke." He squeaks and I don't know whether to hit him or hug him. Even at a time like this he still has a dirty mind.


"Just ignore him. What were you saying before?" I interrupted Luke's confusion and his huge perfect smile was painted back on his face.

"I got you something." He steps closer to me but stays standing.

"Why'd you get me something?"

"Because I love you."

Ashton falls back into the couch and covers his face with a pillow and Luke laughs. Ash is literally having like a silent mental break down right now but apparently it happens a lot because Luke just thinks it's amusing, which it sort of really is.

"So to prove it," He pauses and kneels down on one knee right in front of me and Ashton peeks out from the pillow at us, letting out a sob. "I got you this."

He brings a small black box into view and I feel like fainting, both from good and bad.

"What are you doing? Lucas, seriously." I might start acting like Ashton pretty soon.

He opens the box to a gorgeous ring. Holy shit holy shit holy sh-

"I know sometimes in that adorable little head of yours there's some not so good thoughts and whenever that happens I want you to look down and see this as a reminder of me saying I love you over and over so that my voice can replace all of that negativity and sadness. I want you to feel it against your fingers like you would feel your hand fitting perfectly into mine. I want just the plain fact that you know it's there to make you know that I'm here too, always and forever."

I bite my lip to stop from crying again. What is happening right now?

"Cassie, will you-"

Lolol I hate me too

You guys are goals

€ass ×

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