15. Stupid Boys

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Yo sup.

This was written by my lovely new friend PompousTwerker ! Go show her some looove for this amazing chapter and helping me finally update♡

I'm going to job shadow in a recording studio, hopefully I'll get to start making some of my own work☆

I love y'all.

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I raced upstairs into my room, changed my clothes, wiped off my make up, and plopped into my bed.

Opening up Twitter on my phone, I started scrolling through my feed when I saw a tweet from the skank. I mean Jenny.

Why do I even follow her anyways?

It said, "Perf night! Except for the occasional bitchy comment from C but Lukey made up for it♡"

Wow. She sucks at subtweeting.

It had a video link attached so I clicked on it and saw the most disgusting thing ever. I basically choked on my own vomit.

It was a video of Luke kissing and sucking on her neck like there was no tomorrow. Then to add to it all, she was moaning like the slut she is. The next thing I know she's taking off his top and that's when the screen goes black, the first tear falling.

I don't know why he'd do that to me. I mean I thought he knew how I feel about him? And I honestly thought he felt the same way.


You know what, two can play at this game.

I opened up my messages and sent a text to Aaron.

To: Aaron

Hey, I need to talk to you about something. Meet me at my locker tomorrow asap.

He replied not even a minute later.

From: Aaron

Sure thing! I'll be there

With that I plugged my phone in and willed myself to fall asleep, thinking of all the possible ways that Jenny might accidentally get pushed infront of a bus...

》 》 》


"Hi Cassie! What did you want to talk about? Oh and by the way, you look really pretty today." Awh. Stop blushing Cassie.

I looked down at my outfit. I was wearing a black leather skater skirt with suspenders, a grey crop top and black tights with black leather ankle boots, a beanie that said "Misfits", fake nerd glasses and three chunky metal bracelets. (Outfit link http://janetarellano-xo.blogspot.com/2013_10_01_archive.html)

"Yeah thanks um, I actually wanted to ask you a favour. It's fine if you don't want to though but you can't get mad about it." I was kinda freaking out. Calm your shit dude.

"Don't worry I won't." He laughs. "So what's the the favour?"

I took a deep breath.

"Can you pretend to be my fake boyfriend to make Luke Jealous?" I face palmed at how pathetic that sounded aloud.

"Umm... Sure why not," He replied with a smile.

What just happened?


"Yes really. I'd be honoured. And it'll be fun to mess with Luke." An evil smirk started to form on his face.

Unable to control my happiness I jumped into him for a hug that lasted longer then it probably should've.

As I pulled away slowly, his hands still on my waist, I looked up to find our eyes connecting.

"So as your fake boyfriend," he gulped, "Can I kiss you?"

"Well that's what boyfriend's do I guess." I shrugged and smiled, leaning into him and closing my eyes.

A few seconds went by but I didn't feel anything.

Oh no.

I open my eyes to see a fight, Luke and Aaron on the ground. There was already a crowd and lots of people had their phones out. People will put anything on social media.

"Not cool man. You know how I feel about her!" Luke spat, taking a swing at Aaron who failed to dodge it and staggered backwards.

"Then why don't you fucking man up and tell her instead of acting like a little bitch!" Aaron replied, punching Luke in the stomach.

That's when Luke snapped.

Next thing I knew, I saw him on top of Aaron throwing punches left and right.

Why wasn't anyone stoping this?

"Ashton!" I screamed when I saw a flash of a red bandana. "Stop Luke before he ends up killing him!"

Ashton dashed forward, dragging Luke off Aaron with a struggle.

"Calm the fuck down man!" Ashton yelled at Luke who was shaking with anger.

"No! the bastard knows how I feel about her and then he ju-"

I cut him off, speaking through my teeth.

"I don't even want to fucking hear it, okay? You really don't have any right to say that you felt something for me. Especially since u fucking slept with Jenny!" I said her name with disgust.

"But I didn't-"

"Save it." I said, rolling my eyes and walking over to a beaten up Aaron who was barely staying concious on the ground.

"Hey Calum, help me get him to the Nurses office?" I asked Calum who must've been watching this whole thing.

"Sure thing."

He helped Aaron up and threw his arm over his shoulder so he wouldn't fall.

I walked infront of them, pushing through the unmoving crowd until we got to the Nurse.

Just as we were turning the corner of the hall, I saw in my peripheral vision Luke slamming his fist into a locker and yelling.

What's he so angry about? I mean he's not the one who just got beat up, you'd think his anger would be pretty well gone by now. Plus, he's not the one whose heart got ripped up yesterday night. If anything, I should be the one punching lockers. Which doesn't sound like too bad of an idea at the moment.

Ughh! Why is my life so dramatic?

That boy is going to drive me insane.

And I think I'm looking forward to it.

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I Wuv Yous

€ass ×

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