28. Kicked Out

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My birthday's on Thursday, April 16th!! Surprise at the end A/N.

It's 1:30 a.m.  I haven't slept in days YOU'RE WELCOME♡


I open my mouth to respond until the front door opens behind me.


"Daisy?" Oh shit, my mom. She didn't hear anything, did she?

"Hi gay best friend Luke, both of you come! Come inside!" She cheered and pulled us both through the front door. I guess she didn't hear anything then. Why is she so happy though? Oh no, Ashton's mom must've already called her! It's like midnight, what the hell?

 Me and Luke looked at each other with worry and confusion as she led us into the living room where my dad was waiting joyously. What's happening?

"Sit please!" We both slowly sat down on the white couch across from theirs. "So Sweetheart, anything you would like to tell us? Some news perhaps pertaining to that boyfriend of yours?" Sweetheart? That's new.

"Like what?" Is all I respond. What am I supposed to say? 'Yeah guys I might be pregnant but not with the person you think is my boyfriend but i'm possibly not pregnant but oh yeah that not real boyfriend still has nothing to do with it.' That actually doesn't sound too bad...

"Cassie! You're pregnant!" Daisy squeals.

"And with my boss' son no less! This will be great! Now we can have you two get married and it'll be great for my job since I'll be related to my boss now-" Luke's outragous fake coughing cut off my dad's daydreaming. "You okay there?"

"Uh yes sir, thank you. But um, I think Cassie has something she'd like to tell you both. Or at least that needs to be said." He looked over at me and I was torn between punching him and kissing him for saying that.

"What would that be Dear?" Daisy pushes, but her smile is stuck in place as if she's hardly listening and just too excited about what she thinks is happening.

"Um, well, I don't even know for sure if I am pregnant or not. The test was ruined before we got to see the answer. And also-"

"Oh! Then I guess we'll just have to get you another test, but I believe there's a high chance that you are since you seem to be gaining a little bit of weight lately." Ouch Daisy.

I just continued, ignoring her. "But also, Ashton's not...he's not..."

"Not what Cassie?" My dad starts to frown and look a little angry. I bit my lip, not finding the confidence to blurt this out until Luke grabs my hand, my parents looking at us confusedly.

"Ashton's not the father, if there is a baby. You see-"

"WHAT?! You cheated on my bosses son?! You slut!" My dad stands up and yells at me, my mom's jaw dropping. Okay wow. I've never really cared what my parents thought of me, hence the blue hair, but damn. That actually hurt.

Luke squeezes my hand and looks like he's about to object until I begin to finally let all of my built up frustration out.

"No, I never cheated on anyone! I was never even dating Ashton! It was all fake so you guys would get off my back and maybe not hate me so much." I took a deep breath. I guess everything's being put out in the open tonight.

"Who's the father then? That Calum boy? Or maybe the other one, with the green hair? Oh lord help us all." My mother says quietly and I honestly have to hold back a giggle, because yes, when Mikey has babies they will be rainbow children each with different colored hair, and lord help us all.

"Actually, I am." Luke speaks up next to me, still gripping my hand tightly. He's literally the only thing keeping me partially together and sane right now.

Daisy bursts out laughing while her husband just sort of falls back into his seat and stares at us.

"That's a good one." She muses, my dad shaking his head. "Who's the real father?"

"It's Luke." I shrug and she stops finding this funny anymore.

"Wait, so you mean to tell me that you slept with and got impregnated by a gay man? What the hell Cassie! You do know he'll never want to marry you, this is why they make precautions! I admit I've had my time experimenting with a good amount of them but I was always prepared." Daisy fumes. What?!

"Excuse me?!" Her husband turns to glare at her, apperantly not knowing about the wild side to her. Hell, neither did I.

"He's not gay Daisy. That was a lie too." I interupt the growing uncomfortable topic we were heading towards.

"Why are you lying to us about everything?!" She yells.

"For you guys! To make you feel content about your pathetic little plans you threw me into and so you'd just leave me alone when I went along with them." Frustrated tears sprang to my eyes.

"Who even are you and why are you even here?!" She spews at me.

"You know what? Smart thinking Dais. Cassie, get out." The man I once knew as my father stared directly into my eyes.

"W-what?" I say and Daisy gasps.

"You heard me. Leave, now. Out of my sight. I don't even know who you are anyways." He looks away from me, refusing to turn back. I look over at my mom but she seems to have no objection.

"Fine. Kind of a relief though, ya know? All this time I was thinking you guys were my parents, but now I know you never will be. Thank god for that." I stood up and pulled Luke with me, not even glancing back at the strangers I used to live with. "I'll be gone in 5."

We ran up the stairs and he helped me pack my essentials into a backpack, then some clothes and shoes into a big suitcase. Neither of us said anything until we ran back down the stairs and out of the front door, stopping by our cars.

I throw my stuff into my trunk hastily and angrily, my hot tears leaking ravenously in just a matter of ten seconds. I slam the trunk closed and just stare at my house, my face feeling like I was almost drowning.

Luke slowly wrapped me in his arms from behind, warming me up instantly. Just his mere touch calmed me down so much that I could actually breath again and slowly turned around to face him, still in his embrace.

"What am I gonna do Luke?" I whispered through the tears sliding off of my bitten lips.

"I'm not exactly sure Cassie." I let out another sob into his chest. "But I do know this. I am so proud of you for finally telling your parents the truth and standing up for yourself. And I promise with my life, that no matter what happens I will be right there with you, holding your hand and whispering in your ear how much I will always love you."

For the first time in my life, having the most bizarre timing and ludacris plot twists, I actually felt like everything was going to be okay.

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What if I just ended the book here, who'd hate me? Hahah

€ass ×

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