18. Paparazzi

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This chapter was written by Coffeecliffordd ! She's amazing, go tell her.

If y'all want some good reads, go check out:

¤Look Up (Ashton Irwin Fanfiction) by x_jessieeex_

¤ You ~ A Luke Hemming Fanfic by lovelikeaWARRIOR

What are your New Years Resolutions?

My hair is blue.


So yesterday I finally met Luke's parents, Liz and Andrew and they were the sweetest, kindest people I have ever met in my life. The evening would have been absolutely perfect if the other 3 dorks also known as Hood, Clifford and Irwin hadn't been forced to be there by Luke. I think he's trying to carry out this whole 'just friends' thing or he's trying to make me jealous, dammit I should have known, he's got a thing for Michael!

The only thing that made me slightly uncomfortable was that Michael kept bringing up my modelling career which, yes I was extremely proud of, but it still made me feel a bit self conscious of what Luke's parents were thinking about me. I mean I'm not the stereotypical model. Am I?

He even told Liz that I was Luke's celebrity crush, which made Luke blush , it was adorable. I couldn't help but notice that Luke was so close with his family it was cute. I wish I could say the same about me and my family.

I was rudely awakened from my slumber by the loud, ear piercing scream of my agent Aimee, "Cassie darling time to get up the photo shoot for the cover of 'young&reckless' begins in two hours and I have a car coming for you in 45 minutes. Just wear comfortable but presentable clothes for the paparazzi and the professionals will fix you up when we get to the studio, Oh honey you are looking awfully drab aren't you but don't worry that can be fixed."

"Oh, it's lovely to see you again to Aimee. I've missed you and your kind words

" I spoke sarcasm clear in my voice.

"Oh don't be like that, just hurry up." She said as she began to exit my room before turning back to say, "Oh and there are two young men downstairs claiming that you invited them to the shoot today, Luca and Caleb, I think those were their names." She muttered, clearly annoyed.

"You mean Luke and Calum." I said.

"Oh yeah I think that was it, and if they are coming make sure to keep them in line, this is business after all." She scoffed before leaving the room.

Oh shoot, I completely forgot I said they could come, but me, Calum and Luke are friends so this should be fun. Right?

I quickly dragged my tired ass into the bathroom to brush my teeth and fix my hair, I didn't apply any makeup since the 'professionals' as Aimee said would 'fix me up'. I hurriedly slipped on a pair of grey skinny track pants and a white cèline parìs tshirt along with a red flannel and my favorite black Dr. Martens.

I ran downstairs only to be greeted by more psychotic orders from Aimee. I saw Luke and Calum sitting awkwardly on the couch like the idiots they were. I quietly crept up behind them.

"Hi guys!' I screamed in their ears.

"Jesus, you scared me," Luke shouted and Calum looked like he had just seen a ghost.

"Oh, really I didn't know Jesus scared you, you really have to go back to church Lucifer." I chuckled and so did Calum.

"Cassie, the cars here." Aimee shouted.

"Shall we?" I said to both boys.

"We shall," they both said in unison and it was actually pretty creepy.

The drive to the shoot was less awkward than I thought it would be, it was actually pretty funny. Once we arrived outside of the shoot the paparazzi began firing questions at me, "Which one of these boys is your new boyfriend?" "Cassie, who are these dudes?" and my favorite, "Cass, how's the blonde one in bed?" These people have no morals, I mean how would I even know that. Oops, spoke to soon.

As we made our way through the paparazzi, Luke's hand snaked around my waist and he held my body close to his. I didn't really know how to feel, but I'm not going to say I wasn't loving it.

Aimee directed the boys to the guest room as I went ahead to hair and makeup.

"Cass this is your 5 minute call , we need you on set." I heard the photographer, Jeremy call.

Well here goes nothing...


You make me so happy.

€ass ×

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