25. Ring Ring

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What's one of your favorite quotes or sayings?

"Draw a monster. Why is it a monster?"


"I had no idea you guys were that good, holy shit!" I laughed as me, Ash, and Luke were saying our goodbyes to the other boys in the parking lot.

"I told you! Never doubt us love." Michael laughs and pushes me into a sweaty Calum, who barely catches me.

"Woah hey careful guys!" Ashton freaks and everybody turns to stare at him. What was that?

"We're just messin around dude," Cal smiles and sends me flying into Ash. He grabs me quickly and throws his smelly sweat-covered arm over my shoulder protectively.

"Are you okay man?"

"Yeah all good Mikey! Say, we'll see you guys later k? Bye!" He shoves me into the back seat of the car and starts buckling me up as Luke gives him a weird look and walks to the drivers side.

"What's up with you?" I whisper as I take the buckle from him, doing it myself since he's so shaky and not to mention weird.

"I just want it to be safe. You know, if there is an it." He looks down towards my stomach.

I smile at him, pat his cheek lightly, then shut my door in his face because he reminded me of it. I was doing just fine forgetting all about everything during their hardcore set tonight, and he just had to bring it back up.

They both jumped into their front seats and Luke pulled out of the parking lot, starting the drive to Ashton's house since we were dropping him off. Practically the entire way there they were talking about how much fun the mini concert was and how hyped they still were, and the car reaked of boy body odor.

I watched Luke as I sat in the backseat. The way his hands tightened and loosened on the steering wheel, the way the sweat dripped out of his hair and glistened on his forehead and neck, the way the passing street lights rhythmically glittered off of his eyes, now... and now... and now... And the way he would try to sneakily check up on me by glancing into the rearview mirror. He knew there was something wrong and I wasn't telling him what it really was, but he also knew he'd get me to tell him one way or another.

Right before we arrived at Ashton's house, he texted me telling me to make an excuse to come inside real quick to talk. Okay then?

"Luke, I have to go to the bathroom really quick. I'll be right back." I blurted as soon as we pulled into Ash's driveway, giving my boyfriend a quick kiss on the cheek and following Ash inside. I technically do have to go to the bathroom so.

"What do you need Ash?"

"Uh, my mom always keeps a stock of pregnancy tests in my bathroom cause like you know, just in case for any future girlfriends and what not, so I just thought you might want to..." He trailed off, blushing like crazy and fidgeting uncomfortably as I giggled at him.

"That's probably a good idea. I'll be right back." I ran up to his room and opened a bottom drawer, finding about ten unopened boxes of pregnancy tests. Dang, his mom is either secretly crazy, or she's the shit. Speaking of his mom, I really hope her and his dad are asleep right now.

I read the instructions and did my business quickly, not wanting to make Luke suspicious just yet. I put the cap back on the stick, setting it down and waiting for the results. It's taking forever.

"You need any help er-" I started laughing as Ashton yelled through the door. "I'm sorry, I don't really know how this works."

I opened the door, leaving the test on the counter.

"It's fine, we just have to wait for the answer but it's taking way too long and I have to get back to Luke. I know this is probably a lot to ask but do you think I could leave it here and you call me to tell me what it says when it beeps?"

"Are you sure that's how you wanna find out?"

"I'm not sure about anything right now Ash." I sighed.

"I'll call you as soon as we have an answer." He gave me a small smile and I pulled him into a huge hug.

"Thank you so much, for everything tonight. I couldn't go through this without you."

"No problem Love, I'm always here for you. But just know that no matter what happens, I know for a fact that Luke will be too. He loves you too much."

I smile at him and say goodbye, quickly running back outside to Luke who was in the car absentmindedly strolling through Twitter.

"Hey babe." I gave him a slow deep kiss, savoring every ounce of love from him that I could get before it possibly runs out soon.

He smiles widely and adorably at me, starting the journey to my house. He holds my hand which rests on my knee for a while in silence, then speaks up.

"You know we have to talk about whatever's bothering you sooner or later." He sighs.

"How about later?" I smirk, trying to lighten the mood. I just really want to know for sure before I tell Luke about it. Ashton needs to hurry his ass up and call me.

"Cass." He gives me a small smile and I take a deep breath.

"Okay. Luke I think I might be-"

*Ring* *Ring*

Caller ID: Ashton

Oh my fuck.


Already have the next chapter written and IT'S A DOOZY LEMME TELL YA mwahahaha

€ass ×

Dare (Luke Hemmings)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя