20. My French Fry

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Written by @___sweaterpaws___  ; Go let her know she's amaze.

Here's an update because you can get through this week!

I've already given up though and it's not even Monday yet lol.

What do you wanna be when you grow up?




i laid down on the cold floor of my bedroom, tears trickling down my cheeks as i thought about the last couple of hours.  

"miss james, miss james! may i ask why the boys are here?!" the reporter yelled, knocking down everyone to get to the front.

"because i'm her boyfriend." luke smiled and wrapped his hands around my waist, kissing my forehead.

i ignored him walking to the car, no matter how many times luke tried to talk to me, i just shut him down. 


"cassie, open up. it's luke."

"babe, please don't ignore me..."

"cassie, i love you... please."

luke cried for me, kneeling on the other side of the door.

i was such a bitch.

i sniffed on last time, wiping the leftover tears on my sweatshirt and got up.  i looked into the mirror hanging on the side, my faded blueish green hair was clinging onto the side of my face, my eyes were red and puffy. i sighed tying my hair into a quick bun and grabbing a couple of blankets, wrapping one around my shoulders.  

i pushed open the door and there he was.  he was sleeping, leaned against the other side, his blonde hair was flat and tear trails on his face.  he's been so good to me and i've been unreasonable, shutting him out when he's done nothing wrong.  i weakly smiled and sat down next to him, wrapping the blankets around us and nuzzling into his shoulder. 

i looked once more at his face and kissed his soft cheek before closing my eyes.  "goodnight luke."


i felt something soft rubbing on my cheek, poking me every once in a while.  i pried open my eyes, the bright light from the window blinding me.  i covered my eyes, looking down at my lap.  luke was curled up in a ball, his head resting on my thighs.  his soft blue eyes looking up at me and his hand was laying against my cheek.

"sleep well?", luke tilted his head and smiled.

"listen luke, i'm really sorry. i was being such a-"

"shh, it's fine.", luke closed his eyes and rolled over so that he was facing my stomach.  

"you're tummy smells good." luke chuckled and loosely wrapped his arm around me, his voice was  muffled against my shirt.  i lightly laughed.


i played around with his hair a bit, it was like petting a cat, soft and fluffy. 

"cassie?" luke looked up at me, biting his lip. 


"do you like me?"

my hands stopped running through his hair and fell down to my sides, luke frowning a little at the empty feeling through his blonde hair.

i was silent for a moment unil i spoke up. "luke-"

luke quietly laughed. "i mean i guess you don't because you got really upset when i called you my girlfriend.   what was i thinking, how could cassie james like me, i'm just a wannabe punk loser."

"no luke, listen-"

"sorry if i pressured you or anything or maybe you just felt sorry for me right? well cassie, i don't need you to feel sorry for me anymore, i'll go."

he got up and went to the front door and put on his shoes, his hand already on the door handle. 

he whispered a simple bye and walked out.

i ran down the stairs and threw open the door, chasing after him and jumping on him, making him fall on his face first into the grass.

"luke!" i laughed. he had little bits of grass stuck on his face.

"don't look at me..." he covered his eyes, i could see a tear slip out of his grip.

"luke, you never let me finish.  i love you, i'm so sorry. i know i made you feel like crap and i probably made you cry for me, all those stupid things i did, i'm so sorry. i just don't want you to feel like to me you're just a charity cause because you're not.  you're my little lukey-pookey, my french fry, my cuddle buddy, my fluffy penguin, and most important, my boyfriend. i know i don't show you how much you mean to me all the time, but really i love you so much.  i love how your smile cheers me up when i'm down.  i love how warm your hugs are when you hug me.  i love your sweet kisses and i love how when you try to act dirty even though you're really a little turd. i got really upset yesterday for no reason even though you didn't do anything wrong and i'm so sor-"

luke kissed me, his soft lips brushing gently against mine, my eyes fluttering shut.  we pulled apart, our foreheads touching.

"so... i'm you're boyfriend?" he smirked.

i widened my eyes and playfully smacked his arm. 

"i'm kidding cassie, i'm kidding.  i love you too.", luke smiled.

i tried to hide the hard blush on my cheeks.

"aww," luke cooed. "little cassie's blushing!"

"oh shut up,"  i smirked. "just kiss me already."

and so he did.




I just want happiness and Shawn Mendes, ya know?

€ass ×

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