31. Answers Part One

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I love you all so much and thank you for all of your kind words.

I hope this is worth it. Part two is even better. There's a major plot twist.


Me and Luke babysat Ella all day yesterday, taking her to the park and to visit Jack and to get ice cream, all Luke's ideas. He'll be an amazing father some day, maybe someday soon.

Last night I finally got to my senses and called a doctor, setting up an appointment just to see for sure if I'm really pregnant. I want a definite answer before anyone goes around telling people, especially Ashley. Ugh, what am I going to do about her? She tries to ruin everything for me and I never did anything to her. Why does Luke make it so easy for girls to fall in love with him?

I was just about to walk out of Jack's house before I was caught.

"Babe? Where you going?" Luke pulls his tight black shirt over his head and down his beautiful torso.

"Uh- out?" It sounded like more of a question than anything.

"Uh out where?" He gave me an amused smile and messed up his already perfectly messy hair with his large hands.

"I have a... I made a doctor's appointment." I mumbled.

"Oh yay I'll come!" He said yay. He's too adorable. "Why didn't you just tell me? You know I'm here for you." Why didn't I tell him yet?

"I don't know." I shrug. "I guess I'm just really used to having to do everything on my own, alone." That's what I get when having Will and Daisy as parents.

"But you have me now, and that's makes us an... us? Yeah, we're an us. It's you and me kid." He grabs my hand and smiles down at me as I bite my lip and blush at the most perfect human in front of me.

"Kid?" I raise my eyebrow, teasing him since I'm not really used to or good with super emotional conversations. He just half smiles and shakes his head at me.

"Are you ready to go?"

"As ready as I'll ever be." I sigh and he squeezes my hand, kissing my cheek. He walks over to the door, slips his black vans on, then leads me outside to his car.

* * *

Luke pulled into the parking lot of the doctor's office, finding a spot right near the front door and turning off the black car, which matched his entire outfit. Most people would probably look weird dressing like he does, but he just makes everything look fine as fuck.

I got the urge to kiss him then and there, as hard as I possibly could to try to help with this anxiety. So I did. When I pulled away, he smiled wide.

"We've got this Cassie. No matter what, I've got you as long as you've got me."

"Longer than forever Luke."

"Even longer."

Every word out of his mouth just makes every breath easier.

When we got out of the car and walked inside, I refused to let go of his hand. I didn't want him to leave my side for even a second and I think he could tell, not really minding basically sharing the same bubble. After Luke checking me in because I could hardly speak anymore, we sat in the waiting room just holding onto each other.

"Cassie James?" My heart skipped, only not like it does with Luke. This was the kind that made me feel awful and sick.

Luke and I stood up and followed the nurse in light blue scrubs down a hallway, into a small back room. She asked me some questions and typed them into the computer, then told us the doctor would be in shortly before she left.

There was silence for a couple minutes before Luke broke it.

"So, what are you hoping he will say?" He asks quietly, almost timidly as if he was afraid of the answer.

"I've been thinking about it a lot. I honestly don't know. What are you hoping for?" I responded, rubbing my thumb on the back on his hand in mine.

"A slushy."

I laughed. "A slushy?"

"Yeah. Well not literally. But it's sort of like those metaphors you love so well. You love slushies, especially when they're freshly made. Those ones make you really happy and all you have to do is buy one. But when your slushy melts before you get the chance to drink it, you have to go through some trouble to either wait for it to freeze again or crush up more ice. Then you get happy again. I feel like those kind of connect to the two answers we could get right now, you know? And that's really all that matters, how the slushy makes you feel. Happy. I just want this to make you happy, whatever it may turn out like."

"How long have you been thinking about that Luke?" I giggled. I just feel even more in love with him, once again.

"It just sort of came to me and I thought it went really well actually." His eyes get all big like he's surprised in himself and happy about it, his mouth hanging open.

"I loved it, I did a lot." I nodded in amused approval. "But I love you more."

"I love you most."

"Nope, sorry you can't."

"And why is that Miss James?" I love it when he's in his playful mood.

"I already called dibs on loving you most."

"You can't call dibs on something that's already mine."

"Ooh Luke, nice. I'm teaching you well." I smirked and he just laughed at me, being startled when the doctor opened the door.

"Cassie James?" I nodded, my face flushing. "I'm Dr. Jack. Let's get started, shall we?"

* * *

After a few awkward tests and Luke never leaving my side, the doctor finally came back in with the results.

Right there in his very hands, is the answer to mine and Luke's future.

"Luke and Cassie, congratulations."


I haven't been writing lately. Or talking. The world is just a sad place sometimes.

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