4. The Dare

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Mkayy, down to business...

Dare time.


We're playing truth or dare? Really? This can not go well with a group of teenagers who are mostly drunk. At least Ashton got me a beer, which honestly tasted pretty gross, but it still helped me loosen up and relax a little. I could tell Luke's was doing the same for him.

"Alright, I'll start!" Michael says excitedly.

"Truth or dare Mikey?" Calum asks him.


"Uhhh...who's the hottest girl in here?" Of course he would ask that.

"Cassie, hands down. Best ass I've ever had the pleasure of touching!"

"Michael!" Me and Luke yell across the circle to him at the same time, drawing attention towards the two of us. I feel my cheeks heating up at what Mike said which isn't helping with the stares.

"It's the truth!" He defends himself putting his hands in front of him innocently.

"Uh I disagree actually. I think she's quite ugly if you ask me." Ouch, okay. That's the first time I noticed Ashley was in the big circle with us, glaring at me since Luke's right by me, our shoulders touching. She's wearing a short scratchy-looking atstrapless sparkly dress, and I just want to give her a sweater or something because even I'm uncomfortable just looking at it. Especially with that fact her cleavage is almost spilling out, oh.

"First, nobody asked you Ashley. Second, you're obviously just jealous." Calum stood up for me. Awhh, that's so sweet.

"Ew, jealous of what?" She makes a disgusted face towards me. I smile back because hey, why not make her hate me more.

"Well she has looks and Luke, while you have neither." Ash blurted. Oh shit, nice one. Wait I have Luke?

"Whatever!" She scoffs. "Let's just keep playing." I see Michael rolls his eyes at her. I'm really enjoying these boys.

I look over at Luke and see him already starring at me. He blushes from embarrassment that I caught him so I offer a small smile, and he gives me his huge perfect dimpled smile. Holy shit, did I just faint?

I look down blushing because now I was the one starring and I cross my legs indian style, putting my hands in my lap and pretending they're really interesting to look at. He nudges me with his shoulder and I look up to see him smiling down at me with those damn perfect blue eyes of his. And that lipring, oh.

I give him a playful wink and look back down before I blush even more. What is with me tonight? I must have had too much to drink.

I'm already on my third beer as the game progresses and it still hasn't been my turn yet. Ashley's been glaring at me this whole time, which makes me enjoy this drinking even more since it's calming all my nerves that are getting annoyed by her. Which is all of them.

I'm starting to feel really weird and outgoing, like I just want to do something crazy and fun. I can't think straight but I still know a couple of things. First of all, Luke looks amazing in those black skinny jeans, black vans, and red and black flannel shirt over his black one from school earlier. He smells reallly incredible too. And secondly, I wanna do something completely spontaneous. But what?

"Are you a virgin?" I snap my head up to see who was being asked that question. Thank god it wasn't me that random guy was asking. It was Luke though, he must've picked truth. Wow I'm a little out of it. Maybe I should just set this beer down now... eh, I just finish it off since it was almost empty anyways.

"Yes." Luke answers, his face flushing a little. Some people snicker but I just smile at him to try and make him feel the least bit unhumilated. He gives me a small one back. I'm pretty sure he's a little wasted too.

"Truth or dare Cassie James?" I look over to see Ashley looking me down, saying my name as if it were a joke to her. Everybody's looking at me but I'm a little slow to reply considering I don't even know what I'm thinking. I decide not to go with truth since I didn't want the same question Luke got. And from being around Ashley for the past hour or so, I don't really know, I know she wouldn't hesitate to ask me something like that.

"Dare." I say bravely, although when she smirks at me I immediately regret it.

"I dare you to have sex with Luke Hemmings."

...A dare's a dare.


Well shiit.

I'm awful, I admit it. It's all in the next chapter.

But I dare you to love me. And remember,

A dare's a dare.

€ass x 

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