2. First Day

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Ashton compared our schedules and found out we have every class but one together, Art. Same with Calum, Michael, and Luke, except he said Luke has Art with me too. I have yet to see him this morning.

We walk into first period, History. Gross, dead guys. I walk up to the teacher and Ashton follows, introducing me before I even had a chance to. He tells me he's Mr. Henries and that I can sit behind Ashton, so he pulls me with him over to our seats in the back corner. Alright then. Saves me the trouble of awkward introductions.

Ashton pushes me into the very back corner seat and sits in front of me. The classroom is mostly full, students of all kinds taking their seats.

"Geez Ash, I know how to sit down." I joke.

"Well yeah, but then I can't make Luke jealous!" he whispers as the two boys from earlier walk into the room and towards us, a taller blonde with immaculate sky blue eyes following behind. His gaze locks on mine and mine on his. Why can't I Iook away? Well it looks like he couldn't either, considering he just tripped over a desk leg and fell into some girl who tried feeling him up. He quickly stands up straight, locking eyes with me again, and blushes when he sees me laughing at his clumsy move. Who is this kid?

"Ash, who's that?" I whisper, pointing to the god-like boy.

"That's Luke! Now quick, hold my hand!" He grabs my hand without my permission and holds on tightly so I can't get out of his grip. Michael sits in front of Ashton, Calum I think it is next to Ashton. Luke eventually makes it to the back and sits in the only empty seat in the room, which is right next to mine. He smiles at me, then looks down at mine and Ashton's conjoined hands and his smile falters a little.

"Ash, can I have my hand back please?" I ask him.

"Cassie, you suck at this." He sighs, letting go and I laugh.

"Wait, Cassie? You are Cassie James?!" The Calum kid asks me excitedly.

"Yeah, hi." I do an awkward half-wave.

"Oh shit! I am sooo sorry! I didn't know that was you!" Michael apologizes. Oh great, the famous thing.

"No worries, sorry about smacking you...twice." I smile amused that I actually did that.

"I guess we're even. But hey Luke guess what?" I look over to Luke and see him starring at me wide-eyed and with his jaw dropped. Guess he didn't recognize me at first. Oh my gosh! I'm This hot Australian boys celebrity crush!

"Luuuke!" Calum waves his hand in front of Luke's face.

"Wh-what?" He snaps out of it.

"I touched your girlfriend's ass!" Michael laughs, me rolling my eyes.

"You what?!" He practically yells.

"Luke! Care to share with everyone what you're so keen on yelling about?" The teacher asks.

"No sir." Luke mumbles, looking down and seeming really sad.

"Did I upset you Lukey?" Mike coos.

"Just shut up." Luke says without looking up. Awhh he's jealous,  he's soo cute!

"Awhh, Luke!" I lean over to his desk and give him a quick kiss on the cheek right as the teacher finally starts teaching. He looks up at me blushing and I wink before I get my notebook and a pen out just to look like I'm doing something. I never pay attention in History, no matter what continent I'm on.

I get bored sitting there doodling and not knowing what's going on, so I start making baby paper airplanes and throwing them at the back of Ashton's head. He tries to ignore me at first but eventually starts throwing them back without turning around. Trust me, he's not very good with his aim.

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