8. Ashley Fight

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Plus, I may have broken my ankle.


So it's Monday. Yesterday I was locked up in my room all day, except for occasionally coming out for food. I refused to speak to either of my selfish parents since they had decided I was now going to date Ashton and had already talked to his parents about 'setting us up' and they have it all planned out. Our first date is already tonight. Ashton texted yesterday and asked if I knew what was going on and of course I did, then he was like "But you're into Luke?" and I said "...Well yeah and I dont know what to do." and he said "We'll get through it, lets just make the best of it while we try to think of something"

So yeah. Ashton's taking me bowling tonight (thanks to the parents planning) and we invited the boys to come along since it's not really a date. We haven't told any of them what we're being forced to do yet, we can't figure out how to explain it.

I haven't seen Luke yet today, and our first class starts in 20 seconds. I've been really nervous to talk to him because of what happened between us. I mean it was probably wrong...but I liked it. And honestly I think I wanna do it again. It seemed to help me get my mind off things for a while, maybe it could help.

Luke finally rushed into the room as the bell rang, him coming straight to his seat and sitting without looking up from the ground. I think he could feel me starring at him because his face blushed, unless he was thinking about what we did together...

He wouldn't look up at me so I just decided to write him a note.

Are you okay?

I slid it onto his desk and he read it without looking up. But after, his gorgeous blue eyes finally connected with mine and I gave him a small smile. He smiled back and wrote me.

Absolutely. Are you?

I smiled again. He was so considerate.

Better then usual even (:

That's great (: Hey about the other night

Oh lord.

What about it?

It really was the best night of my life.



Hands down.

We passed notes for the rest of first period, getting strange looks from all around us and wriggling eyebrows from the boys. When we were all walking down the hallway together after class I heard the one voice I've learned to hate since I've been here.

"Hey bitch!" I turned around to see who Ashley was yelling at so loudly and saw her walking straight up to me with an angry scowl on her caked face.

"Are you talking to me?"

"Obviously you skank." She stopped right in front of my face making the boys step up right beside me and everybody in the hallway stop and stare at us.

"I'm not a-"

"Oh save it!" She rudely cut me off. "I and everybody here all know you're a slut! You slept with Luke after only knowing him for two days!" She was now yelling. Great.

"I was drunk and you took advantage of that! You know I didn't have much control over what was happening!" I tried to keep my voice low.

"But you still agreed!"

"Why are you so jealous?!" I snapped. "Because he won't fuck you yet he'd fuck me in a heartbeat?!" Shit, why'd I say that.

"You're just easy! I bet all of them have probably fucked you by now." She waves her hand towards Ash, Calum, and Michael who looked pretty pissed at her. Luke looked both embarrassed and pissed. Why hasn't anybody in this hallway moved yet?

"She has not! Not near as many as you have either. Stop being such a bitch Ashley." Ashton steps right next to me.

She scoffs. "So what then? Are you and Luke friends with benefits now or something? Or are you just a hoe?" She crosses her arms across her chest.

"Yeah, actually we are." Luke steps between me and Ashley. The entire hallway gasps and starts murmuring to each other. What? What?!

"What?! Are you serious? Luke I thought we had something!" She pulls puppy dog eyes and tries to grab his hand but he pulls it back and grabs mine instead. Okay I have to admit, that was pretty sly right there. Props Luke.

"You had nothing! Not now, nor ever." Michael speaks up with a small smirk on his face. I think he somehow finds this all amusing.

She looks at my hand intertwined in Luke's big warm one and back up dead into my eyes. "This isn't over." She seethes while scowling. I smile just imagining how freaked she'll get once she sees all those wrinkles from her face always being like that. I mean hunh?

"Oh yes it is." Calum pushes her just hard enough that she stumbles into the boys bathroom and we all hear her and two guys scream. Everybody's eyes turn to him and he shrugs. "What? Nothing she hasn't seen before." And starts walking to our next class as I burst out laughing. Some people start to laugh and others just give me strange looks. That was seriously awesome though.

The hallway resumes to it's business once I walk away pulling Luke along behind me, figuring the drama is all over.

I stop once no one is in sight and see a janitors closet so I quickly pull Luke into it and shut the door behind me. I look up at him and see his baby blue eyes starring right back, our faces only inches apart because of the small room.

"What the hell?" Is all I could muster to say. I wanted to know why he would tell her, no tell everyone that we were friends with benefits. Were we? What were we?

"I'm so sorry, again. I don't know why I said that. She was just being such a bitch to you and I knew that would shut her up. I really am sorry, I can go back out there now and tell them all that we aren't and fix all of this." I just stare at him trying to process this all. "Are you mad at me?"

"What?" Was I? "No not at all. It's actually kind of sweet that you did it as a way to stand up for me." I smiled at him and his blushing cheeks, then I saw his lips. His warm pink lips that looked so very soft. I think he saw mine too, because we both started leaning in at the same time. What am I about to do?

Before I knew it our eyes were closed and our lips touching. They moved perfectly together and felt absolutely amazing. Even better then what I can remember from Friday night. Wait, what's happening? Why am I kissing Luke again? Do I like him? Well obviously, he's amazing. But does he like me? And I'm supposed to be 'dating' Ashton! Will he be mad? I don't think so, he wanted me and Luke to be together. So this is okay then I guess. I mean, no harm done right? And if I felt so good after Friday night, why wasn't I allowed to feel that way again? I deserve this.

"Hey Luke?" I broke away from the perfect kiss and leaned my forehead against his.

"Yeah Cassie?" He looks deep into my eyes and just the way he says my name makes me shiver.

"Can we...um I mean...well, do you want to um...skip with me? Only until Lunch." I stutter out rather embarrassingly. I've never really asked a guy to ditch with me before to go do this and it's kinda hard.

His eyes widen. "To do what?" Nooo don't ask that.

"Uh whatever you want to. I was kinda hoping we could um, you know, do what we did on Friday night again. Only this time completely sober..." I look down but my eyes are closed once our lips are reattached in a more heated wanting way and he mumbles against them.

"Anything for you."

So this is really gonna happen.


Ahhhhh I'm terrible.

€ass x

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