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"Sabado" - means Saturday.



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After that day when Draco was almost shot by an arrow by Y/n in the garden, he still hasn't given up on convincing her to be his inspiration for his book. He really wanted her. He truly needed her. He needed her for his new book and he won't give up until she agrees only until the end of the month or perhaps maybe after two months.

Right now, this young man was walking his way to the dance room of the Opera House, a room where the dancers take their practice before the stage rehearsal. It is also the place where the Dance Master or the Dance Mistress guides the dancers on their dances.

When Draco had almost reached the room, he suddenly met Marc in the hallway, who was marching his way to the office whilst holding a thick layer of papers in his hand.

"Oh, Draco." Marc stopped at his pace. "I forgot that you're coming today."

"You don't seem happy that I'm here." He responded.

"It's not that I'm not happy to see you but... Y/n's not here today."

"She's not?"

"Yes. I forgot to mention to you that she always takes her day off twice a month on the day of Saturday." He stated.

"Wait, why?" Marc and he continued to walk.

"Actually, she never told us the reason why. Her mother doesn't know about it too. She has told us to keep this as a secret from her mother or else she will be scolded for slacking off."

"Scolded?" Draco furrowed his brow as a sign that he was worried about why she was scolded and he was yet curious about it too. "Scolded at her age? Isn't she like in the same age as us?"

"We're one year older than her, mate."

"So she's 22."


"Then why?"

"I'm sorry, Draco. That is all I know. She's a bit secretive just so you know. She won't tell anyone much about her. Even I, who knows much about her, feels like she's hiding something like he wanted to shout it out. It's just that, you can't easily read her." He sighed. "Anyways, you should better take a day off today too. I can't entertain you, for my hands are full today." He stated and left.

Draco was left there, thinking of what secret lies beyond the lady who everyone adores, who everyone knew has a perfect life. How can a woman who looks so powerful hide something under the rock where no one would be able to crack it? He thought.

Then there and there, an idea popped up in his mind. An idea that could help him with the use of his magic. He's a wizard after all and maybe a bit of use of a spell wouldn't validate his vow to himself on staying hidden as a wizard, right? It won't hurt her. She wouldn't know either. But the problem is...... he doesn't know how to use Legilimency.


Draco was driving his way back home to his apartment, still thinking of where Y/n would have gone and of course, what was hidden under her facade. She's very difficult to read. He couldn't even see or tell that she was hiding something.

Then he remembered that day on the rooftop when he caught her there after she cried.

Why was she crying that day? He thought, letting out a sigh as he turned his head on the flower shop nearby him whilst his car was stopped by the traffic light.

His eyes glistened like he had found what he had lost when he caught sight of a woman who he have been wanting to see this day.

She was standing right in front of the flower shop, wearing a black knee-lengthened skirt with a slit and with tiny baby's breath patterns all over it, pairing it with a white sleeveless top, tucked under her skirt. She had let her hair down today, not tied, not clipped, and no accessories were found in her hair. It is as if she looked like a sweet girl regardless of what personality she had shown to Draco.

She had this sweetest smile that anyone could melt just by looking at her, and now, Draco knew why many wanted to claim her as their wife. He couldn't lie that she's beautifu-- No, he preferred the word gorgeous.

She picked out white lilies and white roses, giving them to the seller as the seller wrapped them into a bouquet, and then she paid.

Draco wondered why she only chose white ones instead of colourful ones. Isn't that supposed to be a decoration in their Manoir? He had seen a bunch of flowers in their vases in their Manoir, sweet colourful ones, rarely white ones and rarely too many of those white ones that she was holding as of now.

After she paid the lady, she went inside her car, placing the bouquet on the seat next to her as she buckled herself with the seatbelt and then drove off.

Curious as a cat is what Draco feels as soon as the red traffic light switched green. He drove off and followed her without getting noticed.


Draco doesn't have the faintest idea of where she was going. It has already been 2 hours since he followed her and it led him to a town nearby a beach, where it seems to be Y/n's travel destination.

He had lost track of her, to be honest. He doesn't know where to find her or where she could be at this hour. And so, he stopped in front of a coffee shop to ask whether they have seen someone riding a black vintage car.

"Oh, are you referring to the daughter of Mrs Magindara?" Asked the man who is about in his 50s and is the owner of the coffee shop.

"You know her?" Draco asked too.

"Yes, they have a holiday house here. She must've gone there to visit her father." The man told.

"Her father lives there? At their summer house?"

"Oh, no, no, no." The man chuckled lightly. "Her father was buried there....at the back of their house."

This surprised Draco upon hearing the reason why she had come here to this place, and that is because she wanted to visit her father's burial place.

"Where's their holiday house?" Draco asked the man.

"Young man, I suppose I should remind you that she prefers to be alone at the moment." He stated.

Draco gave the man a questioning look.

"I hope you do know that she's very close to her father. Are you her friend?"


"Relative? Or perhaps you are only acquainted with her?"

"Only acquainted, sir," Draco replied.

"Then this is only I could tell you, for it is not for me to tell her story. The story only lies within her. The only thing I could tell you is how she and her mother was greatly affected by Mr Magindara's death..."

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