𝐗𝐋𝐕𝐈𝐈 || 𝐒𝐡𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐝

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Y/n had just arrived at the Opera House, climbing up to the magnificent stairway and making her turn to climb another staircase. She hadn't much slept this evening, for she poured all the pain in her heart, and it was evident enough on her puffy eyelids. Her co-dancers have noticed it too and are worried for her. They have asked her about her well-being but she always seems to have zoned out or would choose to ignore them if she didn't feel like responding. Even Marc was worried for her. He knew about her and Draco due to having to read her mind, so he tried his best not to bring him up, for it'd shatter her heart more.

She headed straight to the locker room, placing her things inside and placing on her pointe shoes as soon as she sat down on the long bench in front of the lockers. She tried her best to not let any tears fall from her eyes, but she couldn't. Just the bare thought of him just made her worse and worse every day, and she wasn't even sure if she'd get over him. What she feels is that she has been lured into a trap that made her look like an idiot. She hated him, yes, but there was still this feeling in her heart that said that she still loved him. It is the reason why she had endless nights of crying and a sleepless night. Fatima even felt like going to Draco's apartment just to shout at him or avenge her in any way she could, but she couldn't because she knew it was not what Y/n wanted.

She took a deep breath and exhaled, wiping the tear stains on her cheeks and blowing her nose, and then stood up from the bench. Then she was met by one of the dancers before she could even leave. The girl has blonde hair and dark blue eyes. She was one of the nicest people in the dance company.

"Y/n, there you are," Her french accent was evident in her voice. "Mr Lemmington has been looking for you. Says he needed to discuss something with you."


Mr Lemmington and Y/n discussed the changes in the theatre, for the Princess Royal is to visit to attend to her Royal duties and she also brought her daughter along with her to take this opportunity to have a mother-daughter moment. One of their schedules is to watch a ballet narrative, Swan Lake.

"But what about Marc's Alice in the Wonderland?" She asked.

"He already agreed to delay it for a while." Mr Lemmington replied, placing down the cup of tea on his table. "But I hope you do still remember the steps as being Odette and Odile since we only have a month left."

"Yes, I do still remember."

"That's good to hear," Both of the corners of his lips crept up. "I guess that is all we need to discuss. You may return to your practices now. Thank you."

Y/n gave a slight nod and stood up from the chair in front of Mr Lemmington's table. But before she could even leave, Marc burst into the office — his mouth carrying news that seemed so important to him — wanting to speak about what he had just found out.

"Louis, did you know that Draco had just arrived yes-" Marc suddenly froze upon seeing Y/n in front of him, with their eyes locked together.

"Yes, I did." Mr Lemmington said. "I thought you knew."

Marc felt tongue-tied at the moment, feeling a bit unsure whether to rant or not because of her presence. He knew she didn't want to hear his name because he knew she would rush into the loo and lock herself up anytime later until she finished crying. However, as Marc was about to speak to her, Y/n excused herself and went out of the room.


The bright skies turned dark and the clouds weren't seen much by the naked eye but could see a few stars shimmering above their heads. Y/n went outside their village to roam around the city after having dinner. It was the first time she had given herself to go out and get fresh air through her darkest days. She felt that this was what she needed. Then, she stumbled upon a park, parking her car in an empty parking lot. There were no people to be seen around, just the dim-lit street lights and the dancing trees and bushes due to the wind. She got out of her car and her eyes locked upon the children's playground. It brought back memories of when she was a child, indeed. Her father would always take her here and push her on one of the swings whilst her mother watched them so lovingly. But those were just memories that couldn't be brought back now that they had lost him.

She sat down on the swing, admiring the stars above her and breathing the fresh, cold air. It indeed helps her calm herself, instead of just locking up in her own cave. However, she thought of what Marc mentioned earlier this morning. Draco had just arrived yesterday.

She wanted to see him. She wanted to know how he was. She wanted to hear his voice, touch his skin, and get lost in his eyes. She misses everything about him and it was hard not to miss someone who made her madly fall in love.

Then she got interrupted by someone stepping on a twig, causing her to look in the sound's direction. There stood a blond man, looking at her, surprised to see her here, with his hands inside his black coat's pockets.

"Draco?" She stood up from the swing, with eyes wide.

"I'm sorry. I should leave." He blurted, averting his eyes from her and walking away.

"Let's talk...please." She spoke, making Draco stop his pace and turn back around to face her. He didn't show her any emotions. He just remained cold even though he had this urge to hug her but just controlled it to maintain his demeanour. He couldn't bear to see her like this. It's just making him weak. He wanted to hug her tightly and tell her everything was just a lie, but he couldn't.

"What is there to talk about when I have made myself perfectly clear, Magindara." He glared at her. Oh, how he hated giving her that look because it would hurt her more, even him.

"I just do not understand why lured me into your trap, why you made me believe that you love me, why do so much for me as if you truly love me...?" She stated.

Indeed, he did everything to make her happy because he was in love with her until now. But he did what he did just to not let her mother completely take her away from him.

"Fine," He scoffed. "I do not love you. I never did. Everything I did was only to sleep with you. The longer I made you believe that I was to be trusted, the easier I could get you. Is that clear enough for you to understand?"

Y/n bit her lower lip. Her eyes held back the tears that swelled up in her eyes. She was devasted, and she didn't know how to respond to him. The pain ate her up and made her speechless. Nevertheless, there was still some part of her that she wasn't convinced that Draco was telling the truth.

"Your lying!" She yelled as tears rolled down her cheeks.

But he only scoffed, turning his back to her and started to walk away. He didn't want to stay, for he couldn't hold back his own tears. He did not want her to see him cry.

"Draco, please..." She cried, and it broke his heart just by only hear her cry. "If you take another step, I won't speak to you or even want to see you."

This made him stop his pace again. The way she said those words pierced into his heart as if someone aimed an arrow at it, killing him slowly and making him weaker. It became uneasy for him to breathe, uneasy for him to walk, uneasy for him to prevent himself from looking at her. His eyes even become blurry due to the tears building up in his eyes until they finally fall, smashing at his coat. However, even though he truly wanted to go back to her, he chose to take another step, knowing that everything about them was over.

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